Just for the record, I always just assumed that Restore Radio was meant to be a non-partisan outlet for differing voices.  Your recent posts and the treatment Tommy DeSeno received a few weeks ago seem anything but non-partisan.  Guess I was wrong, huh?

========Original Message========
Subj: Re: [AsburyPark] Digest Number 1239
Date: 5/2/2005 10:48:16 A.M. Eastern Daylight Time
Sent on:   

Mark -
I don't see how not retaining this council will endanger the gay movement in Asbury Park.
It goes without saying that the gay community has been more of a consistent force in Asbury Park for most of the 20th and 21st centuries than in any other community on the NJ shore. 
And, the people who redeveloped the downtown aren't gay. Pat and Pat are hetero. If it wasn't for their willingness to mortgage every dime they had, the gays who wanted to run stores here wouldn't have found any habitable buildings.
The only gay I'm aware of in the administration and current council is Loffredo. Kevin Sanders came under huge pressure from his christian constituency ove the gay marriage decision; and I don't recall his taking a huge stand against their complaints come to think of it. Has anyone asked him his position for the record?
I can't imagine Bruno as the enlightened cosmo man promoting the gay agenda. John Hamilton has demonstrated more gay tolerance, a sophistication he has probably acquired through his years as an artist, specifically a musician, singer and songwriter. Who does that leave? Kate? Yes, Kate is a hetero that tirelessly courted the gay community. But where were the gays in government? It would seem that we got to where we are - with a strong, active and demonstrative gay community - without the aid of a gay council. So why the concern now?
If you look at Jim Keady, he was the one who got up in the middle of the melee between the Christian Coalition and the gay community to offer to mediate their issues - FOR FREE - which earned him a cynical column from Tommy. (Sorry, Tommy but you know you've been picking on Jim for some as yet unapparent reason.)
Stuart is far too urbane and sensitive to ignore the desires of the gay community. Ben doesn't seem homophobic to me. I'm not going to try to analyze all remaining of the 19, suffice to say I don't believe the fears are based in reality.
Now about your other four votes, Mark. Why on earth would you throw them away by only voting for one person. Maybe you were being facetious. Say it ain't so...
In a message dated 4/30/2005 4:59:14 AM Eastern Standard Time, writes:
essage: 16       
   Date: Fri, 29 Apr 2005 15:43:14 -0400
   From: "Tyler, Mark" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: RE: Re: Big influence - "live and let live" - tell m e how

    And this gets to what is really at issue.  I think both sides of the
debate agree a great deal about what the Council has done right or wrong.
The debate is really about whether the things they've done right are more
important than what they've done wrong.  You and Dan and others think the
ability to deal with developers and ensure Asbury's future economic interest
through those skills and budgetary skills are most important. 
    Where others feel that ensuring that Asbury stays gay friendly is
more important to its future economic interests.  They feel that Asbury's
gay friendly reputation has been the vehicle that has moved gentrification
and been the source of a great deal of single home purchases and new
businesses.  They want this Council because, by their standards, it's come
thorugh so far in that area.
    Personally, I am a hybrid.  I don't think that Asbury's reputation
for gay friendly should be underestimated as a basis for its recovery.  It
is still all important.  But I don't think this Council is all that
important to that reputation.  Many of the stalwarts that came here under
previous Councils - came because one could still see how beautiful Asbury
was.  I did and so did Dane and Joe.  As long as that potential remains,
unless the town becomes openly hostile, it will remain popular to gays.  I
don't believe that this Council is dedicated to retaining that beauty.  I
believe that the amount of preservation that is undertaken will have a
bigger effect on Asbury's gay future than retaining this Council - even with
the occassional mention in the New York Times. 
    Also I think the lack of expertise on the Council raises serious
economic concerns that could stop the whole process based on basic budget
failures anyway.  That's my take on the debate. We should be arguing about
WHY such and such is more important not calling other people stupid, crooked
or whatever.
Speak up - It's America!!
Maureen Nevin
Restore Radio 88.1FM - 4 Years on the Radio!!

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