The Good Book has a passage I am thinking more and more about as these days occur.
"Where the Spirit of The Lord is, there is LIBERTY!!!"
I want to commend all those that went to Taco Bell today to support Neptune's desire to end Eminent Domain Abuse.
It was a blessing to participate in this event even though it hit 105 degrees in the open sunlight with no breeze.  Occasionally there was a slight breeze and it was slightly less MOIST!!!
To sweat for a good cause is alright.
Dorothy is a saint in my book to be working so diligently to the end of Eminent Domain Abuse.
I was surprised to hear some misinformation floating around.  Remember check your facts before you speak privately and publicly.  Even if you are only whispering to someone, one person at a time. 
I was also surprised that the restore radio remote was not there.  They missed a perfect opportunity.  I was also surprised they brought no attention to it last Thursday night, especially as they were promoting their eminent domain special broadcast coming up this Thursday.
By now I am sure everyone has heard that The Institute For Justice has filed a motion to the US Supreme Court requesting "reconsideration" 
It is rare, however one of the ways to get the high court to consider such a rare move to contact them and ask them to reconsider.  If one thousand people called every day from every state they would get 50,000 phone calls per day asking them to reconsider.  Guess what?  With that type of public outcry you will either see them say yes to The Institute and reconsider, or require a new telephone service to handle the volume of calls.
I am suggesting State Level terms and definitions in this matter.  The State needs to require a literal finding of BLIGHT before it could allow condemnation.  BLIGHT needs to be literally defined to mean property unsafe to the point it can not be occupied for its intended purpose.  Additionally, the owner of said property refuses to remedy the condition and make it safe for occupation.  There are already laws on the books to allow municipalities to cause an owner to keep a property in safe condition.  It's called CODE!!!
My suggestion is to call your State Senator and your Assembly Rep and tell them to do this or you will vote for their opponent on election day.  Call them every day until they say YES, if they say no, call other people instead of them to ask them to vote for someone who will say yes...
Change comes by people who are motivated towards the goal... Unified in purpose things get changed, Miracles happen.
God Bless
Reverend Kevin Brown
Lighthouse Mission
162 Broadway, PO Box 308, Long Branch, NJ 07740


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