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first of all as far as the white officers being looked over for promotions, sounds like the way it was when the whites were in power. Seems like you don't like it when the shoe is on the other foot. So then, louie is just supposed to bust the blacks and let the whites slip away? They deserve to be busted too. It's just like the ocean police hanging on the circle, any black coming out of asbury better watch out.Businesses downtown were burglarized before louis got in office also. The blacks who are in agreement with the others are the ones who he forced to do work to earn their paychecks, instead of visiting their girlfriends and others girlfriend on duty, and sucking up doughuts.Yes those two officers you claim are out on Saturday are the ones who hang around areas where they won't have to do any work. Hanging out in north asbury around the beach, while crime is going on on the westside. But i don't know where you get your info, but i've been out on Saturday nights and have seen plenty of police. About them not being able to help you. It's not his fault if he's not in office when this takes place, go to his office and tell him about it.as far as his made up stories,remember terry weldon and all his made up crap, and you definitely kept him in.Oh please , stars , bars,eagles, hell whatever. nitpicking.If he was white you'd have no concerns about it. The thing is,asbury park whites hate to see a blackman making that type of money. I remembered when they were looking for another lawyer, they picked one that wanted twice more  money  than the other was getting and noone said anything.And with the director position being eliminated ,so should the city mgr position.And as many raids as i have seen, seems like to me it is a success.

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