In a message dated 8/2/2005 2:14:28 PM Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
<<See, you are describing incidents and individuals outside of AP. >>
No, I said three Asbury Park citizens I spoke with prior to the election said poor black people should just move to Neptune so we don't have to deal with their problems.
<< vague "victimology" scenarios below as something that could happen, without actual complaints of them really happening, is racist against white people. That stuff isn't
happening here. >>
I am not saying these things ONLY happen in Asbury Park.  I'm acknowledging that these types of incidents happen around the country, and Asbury Park is not an exception.
For example, you have said yourself that Asbury Park High School is a de facto segregated school where students get a poorer quality education than most other schools in Monmouth County. I agree.
It's very difficult to talk with you, Tommy, when you feel that any critique of Asbury Park - however minor - is a personal slap in the face.


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