Friday, September 2nd, 2005
10:02 pm
Cluster F.
What a bowl of fubar soup we got served for dinner tonight. Yummy. Fuel is still a no-show. No ETA on my resupply schedule tonight.

Was waiting on the street freaking out the Federal Cops guarding the Bogs building until the actually came over to talk and found out who we are and what we're doing.

Then Homeland Sec comes driving by and yells water and hums a 20 ouncer at our feet without slowing down. I know I'm not looking too hot right now, but come on. I'm standing out there with my flashlight on in the middle of the road, obviously waiting on a convoy.

Bunch of stressed out, trigger-ready police and military types driving by suspicious as all hell. It's not safe just standing out on the street even if you look like you belong there.

Anyway, I'm gonna sit tight up here until something definite appears on the street.
6:54 pm
Message from a Co-Owner
As an owner of Intercosmos Media Group, Inc., I would like to thank all of you for the overwhelming support you have shown our company, our group, and our fight. This week has been a nightmare for everyone involved. The team at Outpost Crystal has done an outstanding job. There are many employees behind the scenes who have also committed themselves to working 16 hour days amidst complete turmoil, to keeping up and operational.

Unfortunately all of these people are scattered across several states and telecommuting via hotel connections, pc cards, dial-up connections and even wi-fi hotspots. This dedicated group needs a temporary home until New Orleans is rebuilt!

Please help us to find a temporary home for 55 employees. We are looking for the following:

Short-term solution
6,000 - 8,000 square feet
Ready to occupy, desks, chairs, etc
Workplaces for 55 people
Nearby datacenter preferable
Internet connectivity
Nearby housing
Texas, Northern Louisiana, Georgia, & Florida are preferable...

Please send any information to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I also want to take this time to thank all Internet providers who have offered assistance in secondary collocation, bandwidth and hardware. We especially want to thank National Net (, Marlin Web Hosting (, and EV1 ( They have been invaluable with their assistance.

Best regards,

Noah Lieske
Co-owner / Director
Intercosmos Media Group, Inc

Asbury park home Asbury park nj Asbury park hotel
Asbury park real estate Asbury park Seaside resort


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