Sunday, September 4th, 2005
11:32 am
Oprah and Other Latest Updates.
A confidential source reports that the Mayor of New Orleans and Oprah Winfrey will be sharing a helocopter flight over the city today. Also, he tells me that the NAACP is asking for permission to fly over the city to evaluate.

From Sig's morning recon: People are pretty much gone from the Dome, but there are around 100 who will not leave -- they are entenched and being referred to as Die Hard Saints Fans jokingly by the authorities. They would have to be forcibly removed. The stench from the Dome is sickening and all authorities in the area wear breath masks; the trash is piled up all over the place and human excrement is everywhere.

By the Casino, the various agencies have a very big presence with mini HQs in the area. Also the Dome and the Convention Center have large agency presences.

A lot of people still don't know where to evacuate. A lot of people were so scared of looting that they kept their presence hidden and are just now being discovered.

From an official source: New Orleans already had a big homeless population. A lot of the already homeless refused to leave without their shopping carts. So they won't go near the evac centers, even though we have heard reports that the helocopters will now allow people to bring their shopping carts with them.

And, to top it all off, as if to confirm my earlier post about government, the State and Federal governments are still at each other's throats. This crisis is going to require some leadership if things are gonna get better.
10:58 am
A lot of tankers have been going by. I'm not sure what's in the plain, nondescript silver ones are carrying -- could be fuel, could be water for the rescuers and relief effort.

Also, like you I've heard the rumors of cannibalism, but I have no confirmation from any of the police.

The city really does look like a ghost town. It's so bizarre to see streets which are normally highly trafficed having such a limited flow of vehicles. And at night it's weird to see all these high rises with no light coming from the buildings. No street lights, no traffic lights, the clock on the Whitney Bank building on Poydras and Camp -- a widely recognized feature -- is stopped. The debris is still everywhere. Cars abandoned all over the place. Abandoned and trashed. And the quiet. Aside from the occasional vehicle, this place has no sound. Every piece of glass that used to be a high rise window which hits the ground can be heard blocks away.

I wonder how things will be different in this city when this is all behind us.

Update: On cam, way down the street, you can see what appears to be an armed military foot patrol. First one I've seen.


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