
I partly agree with you about Anybody's, and partly do NOT!

I'm not Gay, but I'm Pro-Gay and sympathize with the Crap that many
Gay People go through, just as the Indians, Blacks, Hispanics and
others have lived through all over this Country.

I occasionally write articles for Dan at the Tri-City, and just about
ALL of them have been about "Social Justice" in one form or another.

Dan was wrong about Anybody's not deserving the Right to Fight Eminent
Domain! But you are also wrong about Soriano being one of the "Cutest"
and nicest People in Asbury Park! He's NOT! If he's Lenny, then
there's a side to him you NEVER Saw!

I was in Anybody's two times, and I, as well as a NY Times
Photographer, were BOTH treated very unfairly, in fact RUDELY, by
Soriano, the Owner!

I went there BOTH Times to HELP the Owner to Fight more effectively
against the Eminent Domain NOW taking Place. And he was NOT at all
receptive either Time! He was Cocky, Self Absorbed, extremely Lacking
the Knowledge and People he needs to WIN an Eminent Domain Fight and
just UNWORKABLE as a person I was seriously TRYING to help!

The Second Time, I brought a Photographer who is from the NY Times. He
(Radcliffe) is doing a Story on the Abuse of Eminent Domain and how
it's affecting the People, both Business Owners and Residents, here in
A.P., as well as in Neptune and Long Branch. I spent four hours on the
 10th, and 5 hours on the 17th going around to visit People with
Radcliffe. And we visited approximately 12 People, and Radcliffe
visited approximately 20 to 24 Total so far (Some in Neptune)!

Anyway, when we went to Anybody's this past Saturday, Soriano REFUSED
not only to have his Pictures taken, but to even TALK about his
situation! But he was also extremely RUDE and unprofessional about it!
He virtually came within a Pubic Hair's distance from THROWING
Radcliffe OUT! And Radcliffe is a mild mannered Black Jamaican Man,
who's spending Mostly his OWN Money on taking Pictures of Eminent
Domain Victims, to be followed up by a New York Times Story which will
be done by a Reporter who's now IN Rwanda, writing about the Genocide

So, to summarize what I believe will happen, or should happen, to
Anybody's, here it is:

             Since Soriano refuses to work with Neighbors United,
which is affiliated with about 100+ Owners in Neptune, Asbury Park and
Long Branch, he MAY lose the Bar! And he deserves to, NOT due to his
lack of right to "Due Process" or being Protected by the Fifth
Amendment! But because he REFUSE to Unite with Home and Business
Owners, the Press and Competent Lawyers who can possibly SAVE his Bar!

Now, on the Gaza strip thing. You're 100% WRONG about the People on
the Gaza Strip, the Jewish People, that is! They KNEW that the Land
there would eventually be given to the Palestinians, and yet they
built there (Recently). Palestine, now Israel, was taken from the
Palestinians in conjunction with a Post WWII Deal which NEVER should
have even happened! President Clinton wrote almost the Exact Plan to
rightfully give Land to the Palestinians to compensate them for what
they lost years ago that is NOW finally being DONE! Plus, it was Jews
removing Jews, NOT Palestinians forcing them BACK! I'm NOT
Anti-Semitic, in fact, Senator Lautenberg is one of my favorite People
in the Country. Not to mention that my now dear Friend, Dorothy
Argyros, who's the "Anti-Eminent Domain Queen", was BORN to four
Jewish Grandparents. My other friend in Lakewood, Rena Amada, is also
of Jewish decent, and feels the SAME as I, and Dorothy do about the
Jewish People here in NJ forcibly taking Land for Profit!

But the Palestinians are being given the Land on the Gaza Strip to END
(Some Day) the more than 88 Years of injustice that has been done to
them (It actually started ...In "Recent History .. in 1917, after
WWI)! And they DESERVE to get that Land, every square INCH of it!

While at Anybody's the first time, I spoke to a Gay Man who works in
the City delivering mail. He was not only abused, but beaten, by
someone he knows! He's also highly abused at the Post Office daily! I
told him of one very Powerful Person to contact about it, and I WILL
check back with this guy! I also notified the Prosecutor's Office
about it!

I'm against ANY Injustice! And I'm not Anti-Semitic, but the
Gentrification going on here in Asbury Park which WILL also push OUT
the Gays one day, is being DONE by the Jewish redevelopers On PURPOSE!
Right now, they are in a hostile and illegal way evicting over 130
Mental Health Patients from the Atlantic and Belmont Hotels on Asbury
Ave.! They are totally harmless, but also fragile People who CAN't
fight for themselves! And a Gay man on the City Council, John Loffredo
has been Voting for, and endorsing this Gentrification for 4 YEARS
now. What's' your take on THAT? And what will the Gay People DO when
the Jews knock on THEIR Doors five years from now, and tell THEM it's
time to SELL their House? It WILL happen, as it has, and is, in
Lakewood! Not only to Homeowners, but to Businesses, as well!

I told Rita Marano that if SHE and her "Well Off" friends didn't fight
WITH the Afro-Americans, Latinos, Disabled and Poor, that SHE and them
would Lose THEIR Properties in time, too! And it will Happen.

Solomon Dweck has already bought up over 800 Properties in Monmouth
County, most in Asbury, Neptune, Long Branch and Ocean. he'll be at
the door of Everybody, including the Gay Population, in time!

Think about things a bit! I WE don't work Together, then THEY will
ultimately WIN! "Unite we Stand, Divided we fall"! It wasn't an Idiot
who made up those words which won hundreds of Wars, including the
Civil Rights battles of the 1960's!


Steve Wider

--- In, "Sharon G. Boone" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> You Go Girl!
> Sharon Boone
> -- Amy Quinn <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> TriCity News:
> This is in response to an editorial that you published in your
> paper regarding Anybodys. I have come to the conclusion that no one
> involved in the writing of that article has ever set foot inside
> Anybodys nor do they have any knowledge of whom the proprietor is.
> Overlooking the grammatical errors in this article—which were
> frequent—your writer misinterpreted Anybodys' ad in the
Coaster. I
> think it was just to cause a stir and make it sound like he
> understands the issue. It was a cheap shot at an easy target and you
> were counting on no one caring enough to disagree with you. And I
> personally found Anybodys metaphor appropriate. The settlers on the
> Gaza Strip did not want to leave. They felt their removal was
> undemocratic, and a threat to Israel and its citizens. Sound
> But to even suggest a correlation is racist? You could have written
> article examining the ad, the impetus for it, Asbury Partners and
> Kushner Company's rebuttal, and the community's response to it.
> are obviously strong feelings on both sides of the very complex
> eminent domain issue. That would have been an interesting article.
> chose to go another route. That's your prerogative.
> My own knowledge of Anybodys started three years ago. My girlfriend
> and I had heard that it was not a place to go to. You needed a can a
> mace and fast feet to go into the bar, and once you were there you
> would be unwelcome anyway. A "blight", as you put it. I prefer to
> my own opinions rather than be given someone else's though, and I
> strongly about supporting my community. So we decided to check it
> for ourselves. The Anybodys that I have known and loved for the last
> three years lives up to its name. I have watched the Lenny provide a
> drink and maybe some conversation to Average Joes on their way home
> from work, retired people, club kids on their way to Paradise or
> Circuit, day laborers, "local crazies", "local celebrities", and
> everyone in between. Lenny is a man who during the cold months in
> winter when Asbury Park provided little or no shelter to our
> opened a room in the back for a couple of Asbury Park's
> to sleep. When a belligerent out-of-towner once made a comment about
> two women in the bar, Lenny said loudly "Didn't you know? This is a
> lesbian bar. Who here is a lesbian?" And all of us (including
> without breaking our conversations or turning from the TV in the
> corner or stopping the pool game, raised our hands. I find community
> at Anybodys, and it's a diverse community. You see a dump. That's a
> shame. Have you actually spent any time there, or were you swayed by
> stereotypes and hearsay?
> I suggest that your love for Asbury Park and the people of Asbury
> is greatly contributed to by inclusion, which is exemplified at
> Anybodys. Your interpretation of Lenny's ad, that it is creepy and
> ant-Semitic, couldn't be farther from the intent and if you spent a
> moment with him you would know that… And when Anybodys is razed
> build cookie-cutter condominiums for yuppies, Asbury Park will be a
> little duller and a little less colorful. It is appalling to me and
> I'm surprised it's not appalling to your paper.
> Sincerely,
> Amy Quinn
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