
The Title says it all! This is what you get when you have an ex-Air force Man, running the Army, Navy and the Marines! He has Navy seals on the ground, Navy Seaman on the ground, Army, Army and Air National Guard on the ground and what do you get? Chaos and stupidity! Donald Rumsfeld also has the Air Force in charge of the Base Closings! 2 GS-18's came to my Post in Neptune and told us who they were contracted to. If I told you how many millions they get out of the conracts they procured, you'd slap me for telling! I looked at them in awe! Getting contracts with the military is one of the biggest slush funds and scams going! This alone, is why so many speculators love having the Repugs in office. It's a GIMME! The only reason Bush 1's war ws so short was because he had an AIR WAR! Not that I was for the first one. We have veterans with skin problems because depleted uranium is used in those missiles used and fired on the Iraqi people. You know, the one when Bush 1, didn't captured Saddam? Now you have a real Cola Nut, in Osama, the guy they can't find! I can't figure this country out! 16 of the 19 terrorists in the 9-11 attacks were Arabs, yet, we go after Saddam! Why aren't we going after the Saudis? I forgot, Bush and Company are in bed with them, right? Know what else I forgot? This is an Asbury Park Group! Sorry, Asbury, I had to get this in when someone questions my Patriotism, ask me what my religion is, when everybody in Asbury, knows I only go to funerals and Ash Wednesday! A real fallbythewayside, Catholic! Still go to confession and do the Penance! I love the Faith, but hate what the Church has done, sodomizing little boys! Anyway, when I vote Democrat, I have Coke with my fried Chicken, after I cash my check! I'm cracking up, cause I've never gotten paid to vote! I vote for free! Stupid, but I'm not in anybody's pocket! I criticize em' ALL! Part of the game, right?

Sharon Boone


Click here: Capitol Hill Blue: Just Plain Dumb and Stupid


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