Title: Today is QUESDAY
Jersey Shore Q spot -- Monmouth and Ocean counties GLBT community center -- presents:

Legal and Financial Issues and Planning for GLBT Couples

Whether you are in or out of a registered Domestic Partnership in New Jersey -- or just considering getting registered -- you should start 2006 on the right foot by getting your partnership protection in order. The program will cover all the facts and figures about the legal and financial issues for GLBT couples.

Stephen J. Hyland, an attorney and "partner-in-charge" of the Trusts and Estate practice at Hill Wallack, Princeton, and author of a new book, New Jersey Domestic Partners: a Legal Guide (Rutgers University Press 2005) and Tamlyn Wilbourne, a Financial Planner at UBS Financial Services in Red Bank with over 20 years experience in the financial services industry.

This presentation will be moderated by James A Nappi, an Asbury Park attorney in private practice.

Location: TAKA Restaurant, 632 Mattison Avenue, Asbury Park.
When: Quesday, January 24th, 2006
Time: Doors open at 7pm for social time, program begins at 7:30pm.
Cost: Suggested donation $5, refreshments provided.
RSVP: Preferred, but not required: http://www.jsqspot.org/?p=9

This program is open to the public and held in a wheel chair accessible location.

For more information www.jsqspot.org


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