skip -  what you say is a good example of why many people (not necessarily me!) accuse you of causing problems thru out the board.  every response you give, usally leads to to a pointless battle (the ones that go too far off topic, and never find their way back).  Im far from short-sighted.  the keyword, was ment to go along the lines of, "they dont look too bad"  meaning, just what it says, THEY DONT LOOK TOO BAD.  they are already built, you cant take them away now.  it makes sence to look at their good points, few, but there are some.  its not going to help anyone or anything by saying how bad they are.  how does what Westminster built have anything to do with asbury partners?  asbury partners didnt come up with the plan, and they arnt the city or planning boards that approved them.

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