:"I don't really think parking is a big issue. For the sold-out shows that have been at the Hall, from Springsteen to Jimmy Eat World to Bon Jovi, people have been willing to walk a distance to get there. I never really heard anyone at a major show complain about the parking."
ill agree with that there.  people dont care about walking, it is not a big deal.  maybe its the older crowds that care, or its mainly them bringing up the parking issues?  i dont know.  plus, whe it comes to parking isuses, consider this, the 3 big scale condo coplexes going up, are going to have inclosed parking on site.  they wont be taking up on street parking.  like other buildings that sat there, years before did.  everything was mainly on street parking.  eventhough the area is going to be hit with many more cars, they wont be all over the roads like many are under the impression.  a lot of the infill projects will probably have on site parking too,

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