Let me first say, don't take my email list names and add them to your list.  People are getting angry and we will loose vital support.  As a result, I have amended my mailing lists.  My list has 700 names.  and from this moment forward all these names will be BLIND COPY to protect them.
If you can see email addresses in thismailing they are those that I replied to all from the email that was originated from CORNELLFARMS.
In a message dated 1/30/2006 11:55:59 PM Eastern Standard Time, CORNELLFARMS writes:
Even though I suggested we meet as a group.. last week,unfortunately, I may not be able to attend.
We just received word from our attorney that the town should be depositing a portion of the required monies in the court this week.  We have 21 days to vacate our home. 
We have not found a place to live thus far nor hav we found a place for our equipment and business..to date.  The value just came in last week and the reality is our eviction is here.
If we can make it the meeting, we will, but we need to find living quarters for our family of six.  Evidently it doesnt matter that we cant find something affordable or suitable...IT''s Eminent Domain.
I am so sorry to hear this.
May I ask who your attorney is?
Please tell me the steps you have taken in the courts through your attorney to attempt to remain on your property?
Please tell me who the developer is?
The Town your in?
The name of your Mayor?
The Name of the three largest houses of worship in your area, as well as the clergy leader.
excuse me for not knowing more about you and your situation.
To Everyone Else
A couple of housekeeping items first:
My list is only sent Blind Carbon Copy (BCC)
Other email addresses that are sent unblind have been sent to me this way and I reply to all and add my list BLIND, so as to protect my list from unnecessary emails.
I strongly recommend everyone start doing this so we don't tick people off.
To the rest - I attended an anti eminent domain strategy meeeting in Neptune today.  Neighbors United held the meeting.  There were 9 of us on a Monday afternoon.  The new committeeman who recently was elected to office hosted the location.
A councilman from Asbury Park, was invited and did not attend.
I attended and was asked to give inspirational remarks.
What could one say? 
Don't quit, keep hopeing, fight, fight, fight some more...?
At least this year I added a new strategic talking point to my anti eminent domain sermons.
I am running for Mayor in my home town.  I am trying to get all the out of towners organized to get me elected here on May 9, 2006.  So I can end this nightmare for MOTOTSA, Pier Village, Beach Front South, Broadway Gateway, Broadway Corridor and the Broadway Theatre Districts...
See theonly way we beat the local meat heads giving away our property to friendly developers, is if we put the peoperty owners in power.  Once this is done here, as soon as May 9 th this year, two things happen that didnt happen last November.
As an anti eminent domain candidate - especially if I win, the news will spred around your community that this has happened and that we will be in your town in the very next election there.
So one just said, he is nuts, cause I can not vote for him in Long Branch I live in Ventnor.  Your right you can not vot here, however you can campaign for me and help me get 4,000 votes which gives me victory.
Simply put, 4,000 votes makes anyone Mayor here in our town.  I expect the 5 th term incumbent Mayor to get his usual 2 - 2700 votes.
I truly believe we can do this.
I am also fighting against eminent domain on my building here.  I have excellent lawyers working for me on this and Iam fighting to stay, not negotiate.
Two final things for now.
Just because I am a Christian Minister, do not hook me up with the extreme right.  Iam not out to convert anyone in this.  Iam willing to express who Iam and work with everyone regardless of faith.  Basically we need to have faith in each other to work together to get all the law makers, who have made these laws, out of office ASAP!
The State Senate and the Assembly is too large a territory to crack right now.  This is why I want to make our stand in the Municipal Level.  We can do this.
Lets end corruption, pay to play and most of all eminent domain for economic development once and for all.
If you would not like to get email from me just simply reply and ask me to remove you from my list.  I will do it right away.
If you want more info go to my web site at www.freelongbranch.com
Please feel free to call me at 732.222.6224
I am willing to lead this charge at every municipal election until all of us are safe in our homes and properties everywhere in New Jersey.  Let's make The Garden State, the Private Property Rights State.
If Jon Corzine doesn't do it soon, we have to, and in 4 years we will put in our own Govornor.
Rev. Kevin Brown
Registered New Jersey IND.
I can work with all parties, as long as they respect private person and property sanctity.

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Asbury park foreclosure Asbury park real estate Asbury park


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