In a message dated 2/12/2006 10:02:12 P.M. Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
Yes I want to be a Freeholder that concentrates on our Urban areas,
because currently we don't have such a Freeholder (did you catch the
candidate who wants to concentrate on the rural areas?). All they
talk about is open space preservation.  I don't begrudge that in
areas that need it. However when you keep people out of the rural
areas, they tend to seek out the Urban areas.  So if the County
assists with open spaces in Colts Neck or Manalpan, etc. why not at
the same time fund a facade program in Keansburg or a re-hap project
in Long Branch?  Seems like fair county government to me, and it
will definately help Asbury Park. I hope you agree.
I believe you can make a difference.
But sticking to present script will only come back to bite you.
Does downtown look better? YES, but who paid the price.
Remember the unlucky store owners with dreams, that wanted to believe your present script. 
Their door's closed because they failed to understand the truth. Or  the skills to do the Math.
Faith does not pay the bills. Somebody failed to deliver the customers. 
The whole town does looks better now, but so does Redbank, Keansburg and Long Branch.
In fact the whole county, and most of the state had property value triple in the last six years, as do noted, nothing to do with Larry, John, Kevin, Kate or Jimmy.  
Did many towns in the county have the property tax rate increases for the last six years like AP? How many freeholder voters will understand the need for tax abatements for condos with ocean view? How many of the same voters understand AP housing funding or the county tax dollars for the school system?  
You may need a new agent and a new script to win this nomination.
You have the skills to help AP become vibrant city and the friends to get elected.
Most in Monmouth County Voters gave up on Asbury Park a long time ago.
If you want A P to have a better future you have to distance yourself from those who help make Larry's future start here.

Asbury park home Asbury park nj Asbury park hotel
Asbury park foreclosure Asbury park real estate Asbury park


--- Begin Message ---
Yet through it all Gerry, you managed to become a millionaire here 
in Asbury Park.  Here you are one of the people receiving the most 
benefit from Asbury Park, yet you complain about it the most.

Every statement I made is true. Considering the depths to which it 
sank, the City is doing wonderfully.

If by the "old council" you mean the Saunders/Condos one, you'll get 
no argument from me there.  The new council has been great. 

No I wasn't talking about the crazy group that demanded 500 jobs 
this year.  The UEZ has funded many successful jobs training 
programs.  Go ask Ed Johnson about it.

As for the arts, see Artscap.

Why do you begrudge lawyers who bill by the hour?  How would you 
like them to bill?  Besides, is there a lawyer in Asbury Park that 
made more money than you last year Gerry?  I don't think so.  You 
are in an awfully funny position to complain about people with 
money.  What are you, about 10 feet tall when you stand on your 

Yes I want to be a Freeholder that concentrates on our Urban areas, 
because currently we don't have such a Freeholder (did you catch the 
candidate who wants to concentrate on the rural areas?). All they 
talk about is open space preservation.  I don't begrudge that in 
areas that need it. However when you keep people out of the rural 
areas, they tend to seek out the Urban areas.  So if the County 
assists with open spaces in Colts Neck or Manalpan, etc. why not at 
the same time fund a facade program in Keansburg or a re-hap project 
in Long Branch?  Seems like fair county government to me, and it 
will definately help Asbury Park. I hope you agree.


--- In, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> Tommy,
> We have six times (!) the businesses in the UEZ than we  had 5 
> ago.  The housing stock is greatly improved.  The  police 
> is in an upswing.  A talented manager and successful  government.  
> Jobs training programs.  New condos going up.  A  growing arts 
> community.  Need I go on? I can.  All of that is  outweighed by 
> construction not starting on some pavilions on the  boardwalk?  
> if you want to lie about this City is that the  case.
> Tell the truth, shame on the old council.
> How many business owners loss their life savings because of inept  
> officials?
> Job training programs? Guess the militant groups wanting jobs, 
that  Nancy 
> forgot to write about, who made numerous appearances before  the 
council at 
> meetings never happened. 
> In other towns, most builders deal with the city or the developer, 
not the  
> tax lien buyers.
> And try to build the whole site in a year, more or less.
> How many art/work studio condos in the downtown were sold, to  
date, to 
> people who make a living making or selling art? That was the 
reason  residential 
> units where first permitted over the stores in the downtown.  GOOD 
> GOVERNMENT? Tomorrow slums?Maybe real estate people should not  be 
in city 
> government or on the city boards.
> If some, on the old council had a real education and real  jobs,  
they would 
> have made sure that the new AP redevelopment  would be a economic 
engine for 
> the county and the Jersey shore. Who choose  to help enrich Terry 
Weldon and M 
> D Sass. Oh, and the lawyers who bill by the  hour. 
> Like Ricky uses to say " Somebody better do some explaining."
>  A talented manager and successful  government. 
> You are so wrong about this false statement, that to elaborate on 
> comment would mean that some peoples feelings would be hurt if the 
truth be  told.
>  No Maureen, we should be good-will Ambassadors  for our City.  
> not - I am.  I get it.
> It hard to believe that you want to be a statesman for  the urban 
> because your past postings make you look like a poor  politician 
or somebody who 
> needs his city paycheck. Do you think John, Kevin and  Jimmy read 
this List. 
> They are definably afraid to post on this list,. Lofferdo  is 
afraid to go on 
> Maureen show.  
> You still have time to tell the truth. A good  friend will tell a 
friend when 
> he has dirt on his  face.

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--- End Message ---

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