I stopped by AP City Hall today after what was talked about last night at the council meeting.
1. Why would the city officials even consider selling of some of it's park land.
Does the state have any safe guards about selling or trading green space off without pubic bidding. What about the century old Brady restrictions. Who really cares about R D R, not the best redeveloper in town.
2. Is anybody aware the city manager wants to buy 6 SUV's at $23,000,00 each @ a total of $138,000.00. From a dealer in the Morristown area. The Fire dept gets 2, police get 2, and the city engineer and building inspector each get one. Would you agreed SUV's are gas guzzlers and usually are the most expensive to repair than an average full size car. Was Morristown the cheapest and closest place to purchase vehicles. Personally, I would shop statewide, then hunt for a dealer close by to match the contract.  
(The city manager has 2 sectaries and a public relation person. It's no rumor that some city hall employees are complaining about the staff that got better pay raises than others this year. Who is busy on the computer, looking for a new  home. I said, tell the city manager.)
Could some new SUV's be substituted with dealer's showroom demo's. What happen to the Gas Company used vehicles sold/gave the city a for a $1.00 each.
So for it's only a purchase order. Maybe it is the best deal? Should taxpayers vote on it?
3. Should a small parcel of land on Memorial  Drive, by the train station, be sold to the Highest bidder before the transit village report is presented to the city? Something about a clear title problem, that works for AP this time. 
4. Should the talks between the Partners and the city officials be blocked from the public.
( could not download the AP article about the meeting last night. ) 
5. A  lot of reporters where at the council meeting last night. The city pubic relations lady could not fall over one of the reporters fast enough. I mean stalk. Phony smiles. Is her gig worth $60.000.00? Remember Gail O'Reilly gig?
For the first time,last night, it looks like the ice between Loffredo & Keady could be melting. Maybe the election scares will finally fade away. A good thing.      

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