I was pleased to bear witness to the formation of the new State Wide Coalition of EDA Fighters.
Yesterday in Princeton University we were welcomed by The PJP (Princeton Justice Project), were approximately 75 people came together to discuss the use and the abuse of Eminent Domain throughout New Jersey, Pennsylvania, New York and Connecticut.
We formed.
We voted in an organizational Chairman Mr. Bill Potter.  The events Moderator!
We set immediate action schedule:
Starting Immediately we will petition Gov Corzine for a meeting to introduce our new group and to ask him to fulfill his campaign promises and sign an Executive Order to STOP any more seizures NOW!
Wednesday, February 22 - To meet with signs and Banners at the Marriot where New Jersey Futures will have a meeting.  If you interested in participating please check the web site on Monday for information.
The meeting was streamed live over the Internet thanks to Rev. Kevin Brown from Long Branch, NJ.  Re - casting of the three hours of digital video will be made available as soon as Monday evening at
A Prayerful Protest is scheduled at Cornell Farms who are scheduled to be evicted from their homes as early as next week.
On Tuesday, February 28, 2006, - The Long Branch City Council will hold Public Hearings on yet another Ordinance #05-06 which will allow the City to again use eminent domain in an abusive manner in the Lower Broadway Area.  The Group is encouraging all who can to attend to get on the record that we are against the use on eminent domain for economic development and private gain.  For info and directions again visit Or email me directly.
The web site, provides a chat forum, a guest book where you can share your horror story and a newsletter sign up page.  Meetings sections where postings for area meetings coming up.
The next meeting of the group is scheduled to be held in Camden in three weeks (March) and the April meeting is scheduled for Long Branch in April.  Actual dates and locations will be announced on the web site as well.
If your organization would like to join the Statewide (regional) group please contact us.
Thank You
Rev. Kevin Brown
Long Branch, NJ

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