    Please just  copy and paste your references, I personally appreciate the time you pit in your postings (even if you are if you take the wrong side) Sometimes the addresses are not correct. Even then, some the of reporters do not get the facts correct in the stories you/we talk about. I'm not as computer savoy as most of you.
Asbury firefighters in need of temporary shelter

Structural problems found in firehouse

Posted by the Asbury Park Press on 03/1/06

ASBURY PARK — Temporary trailers to house the city's on-duty firefighters should be in place today as construction crews and engineers continue to address structural problems with the turn-of-the-century firehouse.

The trailers will arrive two days after the state Office of Public Employees' Occupational Safety and Health forced the city's 42 paid firefighters to evacuate their three-story headquarters on Main Street and Asbury Avenue after a firefighter placed an anonymous call about a 3-inch gap in a second-story floor.

On Tuesday, Fire Director John Murray emphasized that the city's emergency services will continue despite the fact that several parts of the building remain off-limits to firefighters.

"We wanted to let everyone know that we have taken every avenue available to bring the people back to work here," Murray said at an afternoon press conference at fire headquarters.

Despite the sign on the front door that said "Keep Out," Murray said much of the first floor, including the bay areas that house the department's vehicles, remains usable.

In addition, the department's communications room has continued to function.

The Monmouth County Sheriff's Office, Jersey Central Power & Light Co. and other city agencies have offered their services to help with emergency calls and other communication needs, Murray added.

To show its commitment, Murray said, the department "had firefighters sleeping on the floor (Monday night) to make sure the city was covered."

The problems with the Fire Department started last Wednesday, when the firefighters' union told Murray about a 3-inch gap on the second floor that was causing the floor to drop.

During a tour Tuesday, Murray said it appeared that a staircase leading down from the second floor had been removed at one point, but the gap it left had not been properly repaired, which may have led to a sagging floor.

Although Murray said the department and the city's engineer worked throughout the weekend on the problem, Monday's anonymous call to the state forced firefighters out of their headquarters by that afternoon.

Since the city's firefighters work 24-hour shifts, trailers are to be brought in by today to give the firefighters a place to stay, Battalion Chief Kevin Keddy said.

The department will contract with a Jackson company for the trailers. The South Orange Fire Department in Essex County has had similar problems, and the idea for the trailers came from firefighters there, Keddy added.

By Tuesday, the second floor had been shored up with metal poles.

Doru Tomas, a senior engineer with French and Parrello, a Wall engineering firm, said the building had a number of structural problems, but it would be some time before all of the defects could be found and examined.

In the meantime, the Fire Department's business continued. On Tuesday, Inspector Garrett M. Giberson said fire officials returned to the site of the fire that destroyed the Atlantic and Belmont hotels on Asbury Avenue. So far, no cause has been determined.

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