Title: Get "Jazzy" tomorrow
When: Quesday, April 25th, 2006
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Kati "Jazzy" Gray-Sadler will offer selected readings from her book "Introducing ROW 'Rules of Engagement'" -- a collection of 32 witty, candid and provocative discussion topics exploring the social etiquette of "Women in the Life." The audience is invited to join the discussion afterwards.
After coming our more than 10 years ago, Jazzy found that many lesbian women she met portrayed one of three personas: androgynous, femme, or masculine. "My persona didn't fit any of those. I did not feel like I had to change my persona or my personality simply because I'm a lesbian." Rules of Engagement is the conversation and dance Jazzy did in her self-search to find her place "In the Life."
Great Insight: This book offers unique perspectives on many issues related to woman-on-woman relationships. Some of the perspectives are definitely worth discussing as part of a group. --Book Club President, May 12, 2005
Living Out Loud: This is truly a one of a kind book. It's a keeper. ROE does something never done before. It speaks openly and honestly to, and not at, women in the life. If only I had had this book 20 years ago. Perhaps the road would not have been so rocky. --B&N reviewer, May 23, 2005
Where: Taka Restaurant, 632 Mattison Avenue [map], Asbury Park
When: Quesday, April 25th, 2006
Time: Doors open at 7pm for social time, program begins at 7:30 pm
Cost: $5 suggested donation (more if / less if)
Refreshments: Coffee, soft drinks and dessert snacks will be provided.
Unless otherwise noted, all "Quesdays" programs are open to the general public and take place in a wheel-chair accessible location.

Check out future Quesdays events here: www.jsqspot.org


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