Hi Tom,

Thanks for replying!

I'll begin with your Stalin and Hitler references. They were both Powerful men who got drunk with Power, and at least Hitler was tremendously unbalanced.

But my analogy was to point out that the same method is being used by Asbury Partners here in the City to chase out the weak.  And although most of them are minorities, ANYONE without significant means, or government assistance, is under pressure. And not ONE person in the "Redevelopment Camp" even GIVE a Crap about these People!  The Atlantic and Belmont Hotels had primarily Disabled People in them, who are incapable of helping themselves!  Many of them were "Shipped" to East Orange or Newark, and lost their entire Support System here, as well as being moved to a relatively HORRIBLE place to live compared to where they were!

Back to Stalin, etc.  Are you aware that Worldwide, including in most European Nations .... In fact, in over 200 Countries in total ...... That the US is now considered as THE Most Dangerous Country in the World?  I Agree!

Bush invaded Iraq for NO sufficient Military or Safety Reason. In fact, he destabilized the ENTIRE Middle East more than it had previously been before!  Worse, it was the FIRST Time that any US President ever illegally Invaded a Foreign Country in our History!

And you may not know it, but not only did he start to plan the Invasion in January of 2001 (On Record), but he already now has plans to Invade Iran because he's losing the Iraq War!  But he wants to do it with low yield Nuclear Weapons!

Bush is Starting WWIII, and now with our Puppet Israel being in Lebanon, all hell probably will break lose next year.  Israel's gone TOO far this time!  But Bush WANTS exactly what's happening to go on!

Our entire Country is turning into a Country that takes advantage of it's OWN People, as well as People all over the World. In Columbia, Coca Cola Workers are paid $2 a day to make Coke! And if they try to form a Union to get MORE, they're assassinated by a Para-Military Force that's paid for THROUGH Coca Cola's profits!  So if you drink Coke, you are enslaving Columbians and killing some!

Is that what we really WANT as Americans?  Sorry, but it IS as bad as the Nazis were!  We just enslave people, rather than killing them!

I'm a US citizen, but also a Swiss citizen, and I'm much more proud right now of the Swiss part, than of being an American, whose President is an Imperialist and a Murderer!

And ALL that these People in the Redevelopment Process CARE about is Making money at the COST of 75% of the People living in Asbury Park!

Not only that, but the Redevelopers are in default of their legal obligation to Restore the Casino and Convention Hall.  They're in default of their agreement to hire 20% of their workforce FROM the Asbury Park Workforce!  That's even with almost Everything being GIVEN to them!

Even Larry Fishman said on the Radio that "The City Representatives are supposed to be my adversaries, but they're giving me everything I want"!  Is THAT good for the City?

And back to the Shelter. I placed a call to the Executive Director about what I believe to be false claims about their intentions for the Shelter here. His name is Dave Scott, and I will Post what his answers are when I receive his call back this week.

I'll tell you now though, that many people go to prison for something as little as not having paid a ticket, and they don't deserve to be punished for life because of that!  Hundreds of People were imprisoned unfairly from here over the years, just to disempower them!

In fact, even though I NEVER did anything illegal in Asbury Park in my ten years here, Tony Nuccio made a comment to me last year which went "I should have had you thrown in Prison while I could have".  Which indicates that HE set people up on false prison charges MANY Times! And he's our HEAD of Social Services!

I've eaten with the Homeless many times, particularly at Reverend Nunn's events when he serves a Dinner to them. Most of them are actually quite nice people, and almost all have been unfairly and severely abused by our own City People and others!

Some of these People who condemn and attack the Poor and Homeless in Asbury should do some research and see WHY these People get into their situations in the first place. Deputy Mayor Bruno Admitted openly that he's a Racist around Christmas time last year. One of his remarks to that affect was "The Blacks caused ALL of the problems in Asbury Park"!  The reality is that he and Terry Weldon and others kept Blacks off of working at the Fire dept. for YEARS!  And NOW Mr. Bruno is further hurting them by rejecting Rent Control and trying to stop Affordable Housing, as well as not doing anything to force Asbury Partners to Honor THEIR Redevelopment Agreement and to hire 20% Asbury People!

I'll get back on your Issue about the Shelter, but I assure you that it won't be that bad!

Have a good day, Tom!


--- In As
> --- In AsburyPark@yahoogroups.com, "Steve" asburysteve2001@ wrote:
> >
> > You guys are even using the wrong name .... The name of their
> > Morristown Operation ... Which by the way, has been very successful
> > and mostly accepted by the Community!
> Actually, I spoke with local law enforcement off the record and was
> informed that in their personal the Mission is a problem for Morris
> town. While they admit that a shelter is necessary, the Market Street
> Mission is a problem because of its location of being in the heart of
> their business district.
> They said that if that shelter was eight or so blocks away from the
> downtown area, the clients would not roam around in packs distrupting
> local business. The other shelters in the area are further away from
> the business center.
> They also said that since there are no background checks performed at
> the Market Street Mission, the prisons have taken up the practice to
> refer the freshly released inmates with records that would not pass
> the County and Salvation Army background checks to the Market Street
> Mission. Logic dictates the same would follow in Asbury Park.
> Please do not throw names like Hitler around so loosely. STALIN was
> for a equal playing field of the Russian people and look what he did
> to his people. Also, look at the leaders of North Korea and China.
> If those leaders are your preference, forgive me for not drinking the
> Kool Aid.
> Tom



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