
First of all, why is it that People on here are too cowardly to even sign what they write with at least a first name, so that one can feel like they're writing back to a Human Being?

But Dube, since you don't know me, it's ridiculous to assume that
" I can tell
you that the asburysteves of the world, though well intentioned, have
eyes only on their agenda and do not care about everyone who live and
work in asbury park. "

To the contrary, I care about the Residents, all of them, the Homeowners, the Business Owners and the People who work here! In fact, I have made it a habit to stop at every business that I can and welcome the new business people into town, particularly at the First Saturdays, and when the Boardwalk Businesses got started last year!  I have also sent out letters to every Religious Organization in the City, inviting a Meeting and Dialogue, and have been to at least 5 Churches other than my own for Services at times!

You mentioned that "Last Saturday morning, as I pulled up to the
theater with my top down, just as I turned off my engine and opened my
door I got a shout out from a skin head with swastika tattoos who placed
himself between me and my open car door."

More than likely, that skin head was from out of town, not a Resident!  Fact of the matter, I lived for two years at 301 Fourth Avenue, and I had to deal with all of the troublemakers who go to the Bowling Alley, and worse yet, the Fast Lane, when that moron owned it!  Most of the People that go to BOTH Places, especially the Troublemakers, usually were NOT Asbury Park residents!  People SITTING on the STEPS of the Bowling Alley, who were customers there, used to hassle me as I was walking home from the Boardwalk at night!  Maybe it was You once, Dube?  How old are you, anyway?

Although you'll go and call me Idealistic, I'd actually like to see Everyone live in Harmony and Peace in Asbury Park! The Renters, Condo Owners, Homeowners, Business People, Churches, Non-Profits, Artists .......... Everybody!

Dube, your Title was right, but the People behind the Eight Ball are the Poor ...... Not you!

Why don't you try and act like a Humane Person, and see beyond the "Cover" to the underlying causes of WHY there are Street People? Fact of the matter is, the Rich WANT to turn everyone like us against each other so that they can go about their own way, and screw Everybody, without People even Knowing that they're getting screwed!

By the way, you DID prove one thing that another person mistakenly indicated ..... That Crime is alive and well ... Chris said it's "MUCH better than 10 years ago"!  Truth is, the harassments and Violent types of Crimes have escalated quite noticeably ever since the Redevelopment Started! As I mentioned to Chris, Crime ROSE for 3-4 Years in a row when Jordon was the Police Director!  But it wasn't solely his fault, in fact, it was hardly his fault at ALL!  You CAN blame the Council back then, because THEY set up the Conditions which bred the extra Crime, and three of them STILL are!  As
YOU said " It is the responsibility of all levels of our gov't, starting with our
city manager and council, to alleviate this problem." 
And they have FAILED to do so for 5 Years now!

You also said
"To stop the spread of homelessness, to stop the
street violence, to make OUR city safe for everyone who wishes to walk
it's streets is going to take a combined herculean effort of every
decent and caring citizen in and around Asbury Park.

That's a REALLY Phenomenal Statement which I agree with 100%!  The ONLY Problem is that 98% of the People involved directly with the Redevelopment , or it's fallout affects are NOT " 
decent and caring citizens  ". For the most part, they are horrible Human Beings who ONLY Care about themselves and their Bank Accounts!  Larry Fishman most likely won't even STEP Into Asbury Park again after the Redevelopment's over!  He'll HAVE all his Millions by then!

The thing that you don't understand, Dube, is that until we get the "Big Three" things I've mentioned hundreds of times before enacted here in Asbury Park, there'll NEVER be Peace between the Haves & Have Nots!  Once again, those are:

  1. Rent Control
  2. Affordable Housing (Multi-Tier)
  3. A Jobs Program Creating Living Wage Jobs for Asbury Park Residents

In the meantime, DUBE, you'll have to endure the People who are being Screwed getting in your face when you go out!  It was actually MUCH better in 1996 around town, although many of the People on this Site weren't here then!

By the way, Dube, a Friend of mine, Rita Marano, owns the Deli about 75-100 ft from the Corner which you eluded to (4th & Kingsley). She's 76, and survives quite alright going there every day!

No offense, but you may have a LOT more Tunnel Vision than I'm even Capable of!  Seems that you're mostly interested in your OWN Welfare only!


--- In, traderdube <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> The Asbury Yahoo group has finally, after 24 or so months, woken and
> become what it set out to be, a place where anyone can come and express
> their opinions about AP and kick the can to see what's happening inside
> it. That is a very good thing.
> This homeless, save the poor people discussion has been interesting to
> say the least. I wonder why the homeless/poor folk advocates don't
> believe that Section 8 IS EFFING LOW INCOME HOUSING? The state pays 80+%
> of these peoples rent, they pay the security deposit, they get food
> stamps, and there is no control, so many living under this subsidized
> housing get to work under the table and many therefore make a damned
> decent living?
> I wonder why these same advocates are not alarmed at the rate at which
> these poor homeless and subsidized accost those of us who live and work
> in Asbury without so much as a smile or a scintilla of grace as they bum
> cigarettes, money and/or some other service, often barging in on
> whatever we might be doing.
> I wonder if these advocates ever take their precious time and hang out
> on 4th and Kingsley for a day to see just what goes on with these poor
> people who plight's they so firmly place upon our shoulders? I will tell
> you that between the Bowling Alley and the newly opened Baronet, we get
> accosted a minimum of 12 times a day with varying degrees of fright
> shoved down our throats. Last Saturday morning, as I pulled up to the
> theater with my top down, just as I turned off my engine and opened my
> door I got a shout out from a skin head with swastika tattoos who placed
> himself between me and my open car door. I was sure I was going to get
> cut or worse. He wanted money, demanded it, but I shakingly said no. If
> I gave him the two bucks he wanted, I would have become the equivalent
> of a repeat customer.
> I am sorry, but these people living in dire straits are not my fault,
> they are only my problem, and the bowling alleys problem, and the few
> other businesses that they prey on. No one will return to the Baronet
> if every time they get out of their car to see a movie they get accosted
> by a filthy, savage looking wreck of a human being. And just to hammer
> the point home, allowing another homeless retreat to open in the city
> that dumps these people on the street every morning is going to
> compound this problem that is already way out of control.
> So, along the waterfront we not only have to battle the diabolical
> intentions of the inept asbury partners, we now have to battle the inept
> and futile efforts of the asburysteves of this great nation, who see
> through rose colored glasses and have tunnel vision when it comes to
> understanding what is really going on on the streets of Asbury Park.
> It is the responsibility of all levels of our gov't, starting with our
> city manager and council, to alleviate this problem. When you add in
> the gang violence that exploded on weds night, it is easy to see that
> the problem has escalated far beyond control of Reidy, our council and
> our fine police force. To stop the spread of homelessness, to stop the
> street violence, to make OUR city safe for everyone who wishes to walk
> it's streets is going to take a combined herculean effort of every
> decent and caring citizen in and around Asbury Park. To unite all these
> people will take a true leader. We can only pray that someone on the
> council or who has a position in city hall has the balls and the
> chutzpah to lead us above the mire we are so firmly stuck in. I can tell
> you that the asburysteves of the world, though well intentioned, have
> eyes only on their agenda and do not care about everyone who live and
> work in asbury park. Save the homeless, how about saving the home bound
> who are afraid to walk out their doors for fear of getting mugged, shot,
> raped, or worse!

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