Another person afraid to even put their signature with at least a Real name to it at the end of their Posts?  Maybe that make someone just "Nobody", huh?

Tell me something, are there ANY People on this Group who remember what this Country was formed for?  Or what it stood for, for many years?

The Europeans came here for a new start, and to be able to "make it", originally, without facing Religious persecution! Then, it kind of Morphed into that England was taxing the Colonists TOO Much.

Fast forward to the 1960's, and it was post WWII, we freed the World, and everyone except the Afro-Americans were getting "A Piece of the Pie"!  They even started to do better, until Reagan came along in 1981, and disenfranchised them, as well as starting to destroy the entire Middle Class, or at least 70-75% of it in many ways!

In the 70's, there were GOOD Jobs! People had Medical Insurance, a 37-40 hour work week, and they could afford a decent car & a house. About 60% of the homes today are owned by those same people, or their parents.

The current generation(s) growing up are the FIRST American Citizens in 200 years who have less than their Parents and Grandparents!

WHY?  It's not just "The Way it goes!" Or "Reality"!

It was a very cleverly deployed plan that started in the 80's .... With Reagan's "Economic Recovery Act of 1981", to be precise! It was written as a three part plan, with the first giving a 70% Tax Break to the richest 4% of the Population!  By step 3, it was supposed to "Trickle Down" to the Middle Class & the Poor!

But Reagan and his cohorts never GOT to steps 2 or 3!  Never even intended to!  They drained the whole Federal System and racked up a total of over 12 Trillion in US Debt, of which the Public never even knew about 2/3's of it!

Simultaneously, our whole US Infrastructure fell apart, Military spending got out of Control, and we were getting 6 cents on a Dollar for what the Government spent!  Of course, as is now, with Halliburton, Reagan, the Republicans and all of their Rich friends Cleaned UP, at our expense. From 1988-93 was the worst Recession since 1929!

Clinton Reversed the Tax Strategy in 1993, with his Act. The Republicans said it would "Be an Economic Disaster". 7 out of Clinton's 8 Years became the BEST economically in 40 years!

Oh, I forgot, Reagan Busted all the Unions, started taking away Benefits from almost everyone, let Corporations increase hours from 40 average to 60 per week. He also caused the biggest Banking Crisis in the US since 1929 when he deregulated the banks. 500 when belly up, and it cost the Tax Payers over $500 Billion!  Insurance companies, like Mutual Life in Newark went Belly Up due to the De-Regulation, and  most still haven't recovered.  By the end of Reaganomics, there almost wasn't any Middle Class!

Clinton made a LOT of People happy, and many more secure, but the Corporate changes from Reagan's era continued, in large part due to 6 years with a Republican Congress of Clinton's 8!  Companies, both during & after Clinton, into Bush II's years, stared popping up such as the likes of Enron and dozens of others, who were ripping off the People ..... And leaving Employees penniless!

The Republicans also sent the entire Manufacturing segment of our Country Overseas .... Except some Companies which Bush is NOW doing that with like the Automotive Companies!  China and India is now taking over our LAST big "Tool & Die" Factories, in the Auto Industry. That means that the US will NO longer be able to Build our OWN Infrastructure anymore ... We won't have the TOOLS, or People, to Do it!  Check out Lyndon Barouche's Web Site at www.larouchepac.com to verify this Information!

Bushing is SELLING what's left of our Country's Business Capacity to Foreign Countries! Instead of re-tooling Automotive Plants like they did in WWII, etc., ..... But now to build Maglev Trains and new Power Infrastructure (Both our Power Systems & Transit Systems are falling apart), Bush and his New World Order is taking apart America and SELLING it!

Our entire Electronics Industry is almost GONE!  One word describes that CHINA!

Reagan, Bush I & Bush II have sent over 40 Million Jobs Overseas, and 2-3  Million or more just this year alone!

Back to what this Country was formed for:

  1. Freedom, right?  WHAT freedom? To work so that all of your money goes to the Rich?
  2. Opportunity, correct?  Less than 20% of baby Boomer's kids can afford to purchase their own Home!  It was 66% not too long ago!
  3. To not be Overtaxed, Right ...Remember the American Revolution and the Boston Tea Party? And Average American's Taxes are now WAY Higher than the Colonists were! Ask any Libertarian ... We are now taxed over 50%, including Taxes built into products ...Like Bread ...At the Source!

Is this the Reality that you're accepting, BJC? You might as well be Nobody!  Then maybe they won't be able to TAX You!

Anyway, that's a little bit of History showing WHY you can't afford a House in an Oceanfront City, BJC.

What happened, as it has in 4 Years in Asbury Park, everything was Over inflated Economically until a large percentage of the masses could no longer AFFORD a Home!  It's just happening that way here mostly to the Minorities, because they get paid Slave Wages, and there's NO Affordable Housing within site!

By the way, I grew up in a very small Cape Cod style home that my Parents bought for $16,000 in 1958!  We were HAPPY with it! It was only 32' X 22' and my Father had to add on a Dormer with two rooms as soon as my Sister was born.

But there are NO Homes like that being built today!  Not in NJ, anyway!  Why NOT? Why do homes have to be so big, and on 5 Acre Lots (Not here ..Suburbs)?

The US is out of Control, and you guys on here are letting Asbury Park also get OUT of Control!

It seems that the only thing that now Rules in this City is Greed, Money & Power ........... And a Total effort to throw OUT the Poor!  Bull CRAP that the Rich aren't doing it? Who's going to buy those $400,000 to $1.2 Million Condos?  If they built Affordable Housing, I wouldn't even be complaining at all!  Affordable to Middle Class, as well as Poor!


--- In AsburyPark@yahoogroups.com, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> Overall observation from a realist....
> It is not just 'rich' people who are driving people out of Asbury and it has
> nothing to do with race, but it is how a true 'free market' works. It
> happens to elderly and middle class families too, but guess what - they have to
> move and have little or no gov't assistance for relocation, jobs, rent or
> housing discounts, etc.. Look at towns all over the US where prices and taxes
> increased as demand for housing increased and people are forced to move.
> I can't afford oceanside real estate and neither can most middle class
> Americans, so why should being poor allow anyone those rights.
> Let the economy determine rents, housing prices and everything else and keep
> gov't focused on the things they should be involved in.

Asbury park home Asbury park nj Asbury park hotel
Asbury park foreclosure Asbury park real estate Asbury park



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