
You said " In addition, there  is emergency housing currently available in multiple locations in Asbury Park. "

To my knowledge there's NO Emergency Housing of any type for single males in Asbury Park. You called me on Sources, now please kindly inform me of the Addresses of this "Emergency Housing, and the Programs that run them, would you please?

As far as school children, no school that I'm aware of opens before 8 AM, and since the furthest distance is a Mile to travel in Asbury, that's a 5 minute trip! The buses that pick up school kids at my apartment come at 8 AM. By then, where ever the People are going, they'll be there!

Bottom line is that you folks just consider the Homeless to be no more than Animals, so you don't even want to find out the true facts, or God forbid, HELP with the problem!

And just to divert to the Housing Problem, if there was more affordable housing, it would pick up the standard of living here, especially the half that's usually Owned by the Residents. It's a known fact that People who own have more pride in their home, and take better care of it.  Furthermore, when Habitat for Humanity hit their 25th year, the Stats showed that the Mortgages on those homes had a 95% solvency rate, compared to 77% on regular Mortgages!  Kind of tells you that a LOT of People appreciated getting a "Hand Up", and were, and are, responsible Homeowners!

Gay marriage isn't Legal yet in NJ, although I'm rooting for it. So how can you have a "
legally-married-husband is a Hispanic immigrant?  "  If you were married in Massachusetts, it's not legal in NJ, yet.

Cher didn't start the original Operation Helmet, a Family with a son in Iraq from out West did!  Either Cher's a spokeswoman, contributor, or it's a clone program!

But, whatever you say, if you're against a last ditch resort for a home in Asbury Park for the Homeless, you're against the Homeless!  Otherwise what ARE you doing for them, other than torturing them?

So, you'll let me know where those multiple "Emergency Housing" Rooms are for single men, right Tom? I'd like to know, because you seem to be the only person who's mentioned them in the 10 years since I've been here!  I don't think even Tony Nuccio or Hazel Sammuels know of their existence!

Once again, to do Background checks is Illegal, since it's against the People's rights. Dave can't change that if he wants. Fort Monmouth is a military base, so they can use provisions under Homeland Security to do it.

I believe that it is also illegal to turn away Gays, due to Federal law, so that's another smoke screen excuse for doing Dirty Work to discriminate against People down on their luck!

It's just a Mute Fact at this point, because the Mission's opening in September!  They won their fight in Court!

Oh, and if you want to discuss what these People have lived through with a Police Officer IN Asbury Park, who knows what has happened HERE over 40-50 years, go and talk with Lt. George Corbin. He's one of the best around!

And that area is zoned Industrial Commercial, NOT residential or small business! It has been for many years!


See you at the Grand Opening in September?

--- In, "Tom" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Jack,
> I completely agree with you about the race card being uses to freely
> lately. My legally-married-husband is a Hispanic immigrant and he
> supports Stand Up For Asbury! I guess he might know what Asbury Steve
> (a white man according to pictures on his website) means by "... most
> of these People don't even understand what problems Minorities Face,
> or know ANYTHING about them!"
> I disagree with Asbury Steve's comments that you cannot be
> anti-Mission and care about the homeless. That is like the
> Republicians saying you cannot be anti-Iraq War while Supporting the
> Troops. Cher proves that wrong by being vocal against the Iraq War
> while donating and help raise money for "Operation Helmet, which pays
> about $100 to modify the inside of soldiers' helmets to make them
> better able to absorb shock from a bomb blast." (SOURCE - MSNBC
> A police officer in Morristown where the Market Street Mission (MSM)
> is located states that the problem is not the shelter itself but the
> location. Morristown has a few shelters and most of them are a
> distance from their business center.
> Unfortunitely, MSM is next to a public park in the business district
> and when all of the clients are discharged until nighttime, many hang
> in groups that adversely affect the business area. In addition, there
> is emergency housing currently available in multiple locations in
> Asbury Park. They may not be official shelters, but they do shelter
> the homeless.
> The police officer said that if the MSM was located further away from
> the business district like the other shelters, the local business
> would have not been impacted so. Memorial between Sewall and Asbury
> Ave is close to Asbury Park's sprouting business district. The
> Mission at this location would kick the feet from under it.
> Being against an improperly run homeless shelter that does not do
> background checks like others in New Jersey State does not make you a
> racist. This was another concern about MSM of the police officer, for
> obvious reasons.
> The clients of the Mission to be located at Memorial between Sewall
> and Asbury Avewould be discharge approximately 7 AM in the morning.
> There is a school bus that kids using in the morning at Memorial and
> Sewall.
> I do not believe that a place that does not perform criminal
> background checks that would prevent felons and sexual offenders
> should let there clients out the door in front of children, especially
> since today's fiscal reality makes it very likely that the parents
> will be at or commuting to work and the children will be unsupervised.
> Unfortunitely, the police officer said there was nothing that they
> could do since MSM was already there. He did wish Stand Up For
> Asbury! luck in fighting this expansion.
> Respectfully,
> Tom

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