
>From the End of your Post  "Rent  control = death".  WRONG!  Through a 30 year History in Urban Cities, the ones WITH Rent Control enacted thrived, while those without lagged behind and had serious long term Economic Problems. Landlord sometimes distort facts just to increase their profits. The Myth that Landlords go "bankrupt" do to rent Control is BS!  Otherwise Trump's Father would have been a failure!  As I was just speaking with Marshall Sigman about, the primary "Profit" on Rental Properties is actually supposed to come from the Increase in Equity in the Property, NOT a positive cash flow. But by raising rents a mere 5% per year, any Landlord would keep up with inflation long term to avoid losing anything, ever.

There is NOT "Enough Affordable Housing" here, since the 80% of "Renters" as you mentioned, live in apartments which have no Rent Control (Except for HUD Buildings, or similar ones).  Some Seniors & Disabled people are OK, because their buildings may be under HUD or other regulations. But there are still at least 5,000 renters with NO control on their units, aside from the State clause that says Landlord cannot levy "Unconscionable" Rental Increases. Unfortunately, they DO here in Asbury Park, and the Tenancy Judge has LET them in the past. Ask Doug Eschner about that. He's a landlord himself, and he was the one that witnessed HUNDREDS of Tenants illegally being evicted when the Judge approved $100-$200 per month increases!  After I called the Attorney General, that slowed, or temporarily stopped, but later resumed again!

Dan, for a Person who grew up in a neighborhood with "Puerto-Ricans and Blacks", etc., you seem to have NO understanding of the Social Problems that cause the Dysfunctions you mentioned. YES, the properties DO get to be as dirty as crap! Where I live did, and I E-Mailed John Carol, one of the owners about it. Ultimately it IS the owners responsibility, because if Code enforcement comes, they fine the Owner .... And rightfully so!  NOT to make excuses for PIGS, in any way. I haven't dropped one thing on the ground since I've lived here, or anyplace where I ever lived. So WHY, when my Rent's paid, should I have to walk through crap?

As far as 1. "Asbury has enough Social Services"  ...... major JOKE!  Tony Nuccio and Hazel Sammuels BOTH do more to hurt the People here, than to help them!  Go and speak to Mr. Morton, Susan Maynard or many of the other Community Leaders about that! You don't actually LIVE here, right? So how would you even know?  As far as service Providers, there are a lot of Charities, yes, which serve the COUNTY, not just Asbury Park.  Just as a County has a "Seat", Asbury Park is a "Hub" for helping the Poor, disabled and old. They MUST be in cities with Public Transportation hubs, so that People can GET to them. In the old days, towns were Formed around Railroad Stations, for a reason! That was altered when people moved to the Suburbs.  Urban Cities ALWAYS had the bulk of the Low Income in them, since they can't afford cars (Many), and need access to Trains & Buses.  So, the "Social Services" here support much of what's called "Coastal Monmouth County, NOT just Asbury Park ...... I THOUGHT that you were intelligent enough to not only KNOW that, but to understand that it's unavoidable for that to happen!

2. "The Shelter does not Screen". I was told by both the Police, and Dave Scott, that it's illegal for the Shelter to run background checks, so it's NOT even an option, unless the Police misinformed me!

3. "The Shelter discriminates against Gays"
. I spoke with Dave Scott, and he said that it does not! I believe he believes that, but challenged him to check out whether his subordinates ARE being discriminatory. And even though they will NOT appreciate it, I WILL represent the gay Community as their Liaison with the Shelter, and not back off until any discrimination is DROPPED! They are welcome to E-Mail me, or call me, when it opens, if there is open discrimination, OK?  That's my word, and I will live UP to it, provided I am well enough to act!

4. "Difficult to police religious organizations post religious  freedom act, etc."  It was THE MAIN Purpose WHY the United States was Founded in the first place, to eliminate discrimination against Religious People & Organizations. Now, YOU, alone, want to change that?  You question the Letter that was written by Thomas Jefferson to a Supreme Court Judge which initiated the "Separation between Church and State"? But, to correct you, IF anyone at the Shelter, Mission, actually, IS doing anything illegally either IN, or outside of the Mission, they ARE able to be arrested and charged!  So Dan, you're blowing SMOKE on this one, and making up false, non pertinent reasons to Oppose the Mission!  I had more respect for you than to see you stoop down there!


5. "# 4 is even worse for a fundamental christian group" .   I don't care too much for those types of Religions myself, BUT, the Laws apply to their operations as much as anybody else! In fact, with Patriot Acts #1 & 2, those groups have actually lost most of their Constitutional Rights, but you wouldn't know that I guess?   


6. "  No matter what you say the result is still the same, it will  bring more undesirables into AP, and yes, I consider many who hang  around such facilities are undesirable. "  That, Dan, is a highly Biased statement!  It wreaks of radical blanket statements like "Anyone is Homeless is a Bum, is worthless, and is garbage".  You are NOT the type of person whom I thought you were …. Fair, caring and decent! 85% of the Homeless, according to a report in the Sunday Magazine in the Star Ledger years back, are Homeless through "No fault of their own, but do to Socio-Economic Conditions out of their Control"  BUT, Dan knows better?  How unbelievably Arrogant and, in this case, Racist!  Who raised YOU? Have you EVER, even once, gone to one of Reverend Nunn's gatherings for the Homeless, when he does a Service, and feeds them? There are numerous Homeless in Asbury Park who are Vietnam Vets! And you will SPIT on them when they fought for YOU as well as the rest of us?


7. "And while you didn't ask, I'll add this while I am on a roll.  There is plenty of affordable housing in AP. " – I addressed this issue above already, and you're wrong!  If there was rent Control since 2002, I'd agree. But the "Affordable" Market Rate Apartments have disappeared, and the clientele who are still here, and have been for decades, cannot afford the current rents, which, by the way, were arrived at by using illegal raises, as well as illegal evictions!  I guess that you are in FAVOR of Landlords being able to break the Law, but only Tenants Cannot?


Dan, on more than 2/3's of this stuff, you're speaking through your HAT, and making obviously slanted and bigoted statements in which you clump ALL of the Homeless into the SAME category! I know several Dozen people myself who have been Homeless, and who now hold respectable jobs, and who are 100% "Normal" and Functional. ONE example is Bill Davis, who ended up Homeless because he let people who were then Homeless sleep in his Apartment, and HE got evicted!  He's now the Director of Interfaith Hospitalities Network in Keansburg, which houses Homeless Families, mostly composed of formerly working Parents & their Children.


You're making Blanket Statements about ALL the Homeless, which is NOT even CLOSE to being accurate! Statistics ARE available on the Homeless, and you SHOULD check it out, before you make an Ass out of yourself pushing false information!


I believe in what you say & do with regard to putting the Redeveloper and the City against the Wall regarding what's wrong with the Contract they work by, but you're ignoring how it also affects the Majority of the Population here, and you're Stereotyping EVERY Homeless Person as being a troublemaker and "Criminal"  …. "Undesirables", as you call them! If you saw someone like Bill Davis, now a Director of a Non-Profit, while he was in a Shelter, and unshaven & dirty, you'd classify HIM as a Troublemaking BUM, too, but he never WAS!


You're a harsh and Crude person, and I feel sorry for you if the day comes when you get very sick, or contract Cancer or something. You have NO Empathy, obviously, for the SAME People who Jesus helped while he was alive. And NO, I'm NOT a Fundamentalist, or Evangelic Christian! I was born & raised Catholic, am Liberal (Yes) and DO what God has showed me to do with Jesus' example!  If you were at Jim Keady's presentation on Educating for Justice, as I believe that you were, him and Leslie speak about the SAME things. He also LIVES what he says, as do I! Do you like Jim? Do you agree with Him?  He's for Affordable Housing, for the Mission and for Rent Control …. If I'm wrong, my apologies go out to Jim, but I believe I'm right!


And persecuting the Homeless by exposing them to possible, or likely DEATH, and chasing all of the Minorities possible OUT of Asbury Park, including the ones who work TWO Jobs, is NOT Nice, decent or ethical. So, you grew up with Minorities! Is that where you learned to Hate them?

 By the way, yes, it's good to increase home Ownership, but they do NOT all have to be $400,000 to $1.2 Million Condos which 95% of the People living here cannot afford!  There's also Workforce Afordable Houses which work excellent for both Poor and Middle Classed People, and solve MANY of the problems like what we have here in Asbury Park! Plus, once you put people into owned properties, much of the price is fixed, and subsidization then decreases!



--- In AsburyPark@yahoogroups.com, "dfsavgny" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> --- In AsburyPark@yahoogroups.com, "Steve" asburysteve2001@
> wrote:
> >
> > Dan,
> >
> > I know you.... But why are you against the Shelter?
> >
> > Steve
> >
> >
> 1. AP has enough social services.
> 2. The shelter will not screen.
> 3. The shelter discriminates against gays (they will let them in but
> will treat them as sexual addicts).
> 4. Difficult to police religious organizations post religious
> freedom act, etc.
> 5. # 4 is even worse for a fundamental christian group.
> 6. No matter what you say the result is still the same, it will
> bring more undesirables into AP, and yes, I consider many who hang
> around such facilities are undesirable. If that makes me a bad
> person or unchristian, so be it. I'm all for helping someone get on
> their feet, but there the habitual homeless that do not want a home.
> They belong in a mental hospital or somewhere else. If they want to
> live in a box (and some actually do) don't do it on my front yard.
> There, I've said it.
> 7. And while you didn't ask, I'll add this while I am on a roll.
> There is plenty of affordable housing in AP. Nearly 80% are renters.
> I would make code enforcement so tough in this town that there would
> be a gum wrapper on the street. Many places look like crap. Either
> the landlord doesn't give a rat's ass or they get tired of fixing
> them up and tenants wrecking them. Probably a mixture of both.
> Solution - throw the trouble makers out and/or seize properties -
> not eminent domain - police power - public nusiance - NO
> Anyone who doesn;t want to play nice can just get out of town.
> Increase affordable home OWNERSHIP, not subsidized housing. Rent
> control = death.

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