
I appreciate your comments, and I'll add them to my overall view, but MY personal Medical History, problems or disabilities are PRIVATE, not at all "Public", as well as my Job History. I didn't put them out for discussion, and Skip Bernstein's assesments are lies, not truth, regarding those such personal things!  And if not anything else, commenting on that I think I'm "Christ re-incarnated" and other sicko cheap shots religious related are at best immoral!

I only mentioned the Hasidic Factor, not to knock them as people, or religiously, but they DO run Projects like Redevelopments as a Group, and virtually take over whole Cities, such as Lakewood!

In addition, Jews are also one of the ONLY Religious Groups who are also know as a Nationality or Ethnic Group under the same category as their religion! they're also excessively Hypersensitive, and react when an Irish, or Italian or Polish person wouldn't have the same type of reaction, and in fact, wouldn't even be insulted.

Bottom line, the truth, is that the Fishmans' ARE forcing the Blacks out, and Larry Fishman admitted it to me at a City Council Meeting once. I was talking to him about that I felt from a purely Workforce/ Business sense that he should build some affordable housing, and that the poor & middle classed would lose their homes, otherwise. Part of his comment was that "They won't BE here when we're done"! So WHAT does that mean? 2 + 2 still equals 4, doesn't it?

I have no part in causing what they're doing, but I'm not blind like many, or heartless as many others. I only draw very obvious conclusions from what is REALLY happening, period! I'll have no problem staying here! I'm just concerned for those too weak to defend themselves!  And they're not all Homeless or Criminals, as was suggested in here!



--- In, "Tom" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Steve,
> Have your lawyer check into the "fair comment on a matter of public
> interest" and "opinion" defenses to a libel suit. Skip's comments as
> well as yours would most likely both fall under one of these defenses
> and thus be protected . Any lawsuit would just eat up money and tie
> up an already burden court system.
> Tom

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