--- In AsburyPark@yahoogroups.com, "wernerapnj" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> --- In AsburyPark@yahoogroups.com, "Hinge" <hinge98@> wrote:
> >
> > So how 'bout them Mets?
> >
> Can't talk about the Mets when the group has been hijacked by religious and ethnic
> pontificating. I alway thought it was recommended that such things should not be discussed
> in polite company
> :-)
> Werner
"Pontificating." like "beauty" is in the eyes (ears?) of the beholder.  In any case, there's lots of pontificating that goes on here besides religious and ethnic.
"Polite company"?   Like the polite Victorian society where everything was censored but which gave birth to a thriving underground pornography market?

Boilerplate: Fair and Balanced (unlike FUX News) links from a liberal Democrat

Cool Republican Links
Christine Todd Whitman:  See especially "Quotes" here -  Christine Todd Whitman - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia  and her PAC  It's My Party Too: Home , Supports fiscally conservative, socially inclusive Republican candidates.  Its mission is to return the Republican Party to the sensible center. 
Even a cool neo-conservative: FRANCIS FUKUYAMA    New York Press
William F. Buckley, the Father of Modern Conservatism:  American Conservative Union Foundation , author of "The Right Word." He had the integrity to admit to a few regrets, "most notably his magazine's opposition to civil rights legislation in the 1960s." 
Pete McCloskey, former congressman:    Republican Says We Need a Democrat Majority in Congress

Andrew Sullivan, self-acknowledged gay Catholic conservative:  Andrew Sullivan | The Daily Dish

And Out of the Blue:

Click here: BuyBlue.org | Vote With Your Wallet!
Click here: The Huffington Post
Click here: White House Gift Shop: Officious Presidential Gear : CafePress.com  (pushing the envelope)
Rabbi Harold Kushner, liberal theologian, author of When Bad Things Happen to Good People:  Amazon.com Books: harold kushner
Commonweal - A review of religion, politics and culture : Journal of Liberal Catholic Theology. 
Click here: Air America Radio | The antidote to Rush and other Hate Talk Radio
Click here: Liberty's Blog: Eventually they'll want a piece of you, Chris  Chris Rock on weird white guys.

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