Werner:  Excelent, perceptive comments!  I suggest you forward your email to Nancy Shields at the Asbury Press; the information contained therein needs to be made public information because too many people in and out of town are ignorant of the real issues involved.  Thanks for taking the time to inform people on this list!         
R. Thoman, Park Ave

----- Original Message -----
From: wernerapnj <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Thursday, August 17, 2006 9:31 pm
Subject: [AsburyPark] Baranet/Fastlane - Unreported Facts
To: AsburyPark@yahoogroups.com

> Good points being made about the unreliability of Press
> reporting and the need for people
> to attend meetings for eye-witness accounts.
> None of the issues I raised were reported on, I questioned the
> Council extensively and
> made recommendations.
> Facts :
> - There is no potential developer for this site or block
> - There is no development proposal for this site or block
> - No other property on this block is being subjected to condemnation.
> - There is no immediate need for these parcels in terms of
> fulfilling the 'Plan'.
> - There is nothing that legally compels the council to vote YES
> for condemnation.
> - The Council fears being in litigation for voting NO
> ------------------------------------------------
> Recommendations:
> - I recommended a moratorium on any further condemnations
> pending completion of
> Asbury Partners current obligations.
> - I recommended a rezoning of this block to entertainment uses
> from the current
> resedential.
> - I recommended a transfer of the residential units on this
> block to the Paramount Phase 2
> development by increasing the hieght of the proposed building
> next to the wter treatment
> plant.
> -I asked for a complete review of the redevelopment Zoning in
> light of changing
> economics and the passing of 5 years with little to show for it.
> Are these issues significant? I think so.
> Should they be reported on? I think so.
> Is the Press reading public not getting the facts? I think so.
> This is not about "saving the Baronet". The issue is appropriate
> Zoning and Planning.
> Land use choices that allow the past and future to co-exist.
> The issue is also the continued taking of private property while
> Asbury partners fails to
> perform as promised regarding our beachfront.
> Werner

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