I found this online:
How to Remove Musty Basement Smell
A musty basement isn't something you have to live with - though many people do! Start with the easier solutions first; you may have only a minor problem. Move on to the more complex solutions as your situation warrants.

1.  Ventilate. Too much moisture is the cause of musty basements, and a couple of open windows at opposite ends of the area may provide adequate cross-ventilation to air out the smell.
2.  Get rid of any mildewy carpet padding, and deep-clean your carpets. Set furniture outside in the sun to air out.
3.  Mop or wash down concrete floors and walls with a solution of bleach and water (about 3/4 cup chlorine bleach to 1 gal. of water. Let the solution sit on the concrete surfaces for 5 minutes, then rinse and dry.
4.  Check the drainage around your house. Porous basement walls may transmit moisture from the ground outside during rainy spells, and the trapped moisture increases the humidity in your basement. Make sure the ground slopes away from foundation walls, and that downspouts extend 6 feet or more from the house.
5.  Waterproof the basement. Look for cracks in the walls and floor and seal them with hydraulic cement. Apply concrete waterproofing sealer where the floor meets the wall.
6.  Buy and install a dehumidifier as a last resort to remove excess moisture.
Use fans to aid ventilation. Place one in the center of the area to circulate air and one at an open window to serve as an exhaust.
Open windows when cleaning with bleach - fumes are harmful!
Tips from eHow Users:
Removing mold or mildew odors by Lynda Messer
I found that if you put a 1/2 cup to 1 cup of white vinegar in 2 opposite corners of your room (on the floor, maybe under a table or behind a piece of furniture where it is not noticeable)it will take the odor out within 24 hours. Do this once a week or as needed due to evaporation. I live in a tri-level colonial and my family room is on the bottom floor. I have no basement under my family room...It's just wall to wall carpeting. Under that, there's concrete and under that, there's SOIL! The only time my family room is not damp or "mildewy" is in the winter when I use my fireplace.

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