

Still waiting for that page number (edition would help too).


In reference to:

Mario I bet you were surprised to learn that guys like the President and I read books by left wingers and about the left.
You, OK, if you say so; but "by the left" and "about the left" are quite different.
The other guy?  Maybe now he's a "born-again" reader because he claims to have read 60 books this year.  Bush said Jesus is his favorite philosopher; that's one left winger at least.
I read as many works by the left as I can get my hands on, from the past to today's
pundits. All my conservative friends do as well. ...
This is contrary to your many posts on this board that conservatives are closed minded, lock step, not respectful of others views, ....Sorry to disappoint you but conservative views aren't formed by talk radio hosts (it's just trumpeted there).
Not all conservatives (Some of my best friends are...); you mainly in Rove/Rush mode.
I have gone out of my way, in personal emails to you, to indicate my respect for traditional conservative thought:
From 10/12
More importantly, I just think it is a shame that while you have the "pulpit" in triCity, you fail to use it to justify (and educate your readers to) issues really sacred to the traditional right wing. Instead you're mimicking the likes of Ann Coulter, Bill O'Reilly, Rush and that ilk; besides, I think the public is quickly tiring of that polarizing schtick. Have you reviewed lately any real American conservative thinkers: Wm. F. Buckley, Barry Goldwater, etc.?
See "Slothful Conservatism" in follow up email. [Slothful Conservatism is about Wm. F. Buckley’s critique of the current administration]
Also HBO is currently airing a great documentary on Goldwater.
From 10/13
I recommend Republican John Danforth on C-SPAN 2's BookTV.
After Words: John Danforth, author of "Faith & Politics: How the Moral Values Debate Divides America and How to Move Forward Together" interviewed by Charles Haynes, senior scholar at The First Amendment Center .
From 10/14
Tommy said: "I know it is easy to believe that people that are conservative are mean...."
I responded: "What is it with you? You really don't read with comprehension or memory of what someone says. I consistently point out conservatives whom I admire (Buckley, Goldwater, Brooks, Tierney, and other non-mud wallowers on the right). And more and more people on the right are demonstrating their integrity and patriotism these days by breaking from the party line now that our country's foreign policy... (I digress.)  Instead you focus on trivialities said about you and then react like a victim. Your rhetoric is AM radio Rush/Rove/Coulter stuff, and I sincerely believe that, after 20ish years of that, it is hurting our country--Big Time."
From 10/15
Tommy, Andrew Sullivan is another conservative voice I'm intrigued by. He will be on C-Span (Cablevision channel 65) tonight at 8 and 11, also tomorrow at 6 am.

Have you read any books by George Will, Bill Bennett, Rush, Coulter or Malkin?
George Will is a genuine man of reason on the right.  I know him well as a  TV pundit and always pay heed to what he has to say.
Bennett is too self-righteous and smug for my tastes; he's also a hypocrite.
Rush, Coulter and Malkin?  You jest! Throw in BOR too (Bill O'Reilly). Serious political thinkers?  Fuggedabodit!  These are all part of a huge propaganda machine and major contributors to the "poisoned well" of politics today. I don't read David Duke or Ralph Reed or Jerry Falwell either.  Why not ask about them too?  Same types.
Are you up to date in your reading?  Conservative David Brooks in calling for  Barack Obama to run for president says of Obama: His  “style is surely the antidote to the politics of the past several years. It is surely true that a president who brings a deliberative style to the White House will multiply his knowledge, not divide it….Coming from my own perspective, I should note that I disagree with many of Obama’s notions and could well end up agreeing more with one of his opponents. But anyone who’s observed him closely can see that Obama is a new kind of politician. As Klein once observed, he’s that rarest of creatures: a megahyped phenomenon that lives up to the hype.
It may not be personally convenient for him, but the times will never again so completely require the gifts that he possesses. Whether you’re liberal or conservative, you should hope Barack Obama runs for president.”
Are you up to date in your reading? Newt's right hand man Dick Armey on todays culture war conservatives: “To a large extent because Dobson and his gang of thugs are real nasty bullies. I pray devoutly every day, but being a Christian is no excuse for being stupid. There’s a high demagoguery coefficient to issues like prayer in schools. Demagoguery doesn’t work unless it’s dumb . . . These issues are easy for the intellectually lazy and can appeal to a large demographic.”
In my posts I try not to "paint with a broad brush" as you do in your columns (e.g., Dummycats).  I prefer to go after the Terry Sciavo case panderers and right-wing religious types (referred to as "the nuts' by Rove operatives).
Goldwater and Eisenhower would spin in their graves if they read most of your columns which pander to the above.
"Demagoguery doesn’t work unless it’s dumb . . . These issues are easy for the intellectually lazy and can appeal to a large demographic.”
List for me your columns which promote the principles of Buckley conservatism.

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