In reference to Tommy's charge of my stalking him:


Nice of you to leave out all the rest of the email you sent me. I
guess you were afraid to make yourself look like a stalker if people
saw how many times you were mailing me in a day.
Here are all 9 private emails I sent within a 4 day period.  Regarding his slyly vague remark, "I reached out to you because you had at an earlier time emailed me":  The only other private email I sent him was a over a year ago asking for lawyer recommendations
10/12           You're all knee-jerk reaction.  Keady's Columbus stance is not Marxist.  It may be unpopular among those Italians who are knee-jerk anti-intellectuals, but it is not unreasonable.   This Italian welcomes debate among historians (and theologians, philosophers et al.) 
10/12           Tommy,        
I am not a Keady supporter, but after 16+ years of Catholic school education (Italian nuns, Irish brothers and finally Jesuits), I understand where he is coming from; however I am leery of politicians who wear religion on their sleeves.  I think Keady is more sincere as a liberal Christian than any of the phonies (Ralph Reed, Jerry Falwell, et al.) on the religious right that the Republicans sold their souls to (along with racist Democrats after LBJ) in order to win elections for the past 25-30 years. 
Just because we grew up with some "local customs" doesn't mean they are not open to criticism by others.  My Catholic grammar school's biggest fund raiser back in the 50s was an annual minstrel show complete with black face performances.
The grammar school nuns taught us lots of things which were not true (lies) about protestants and Jews.  Blacks were totally off the radar screen even though poor black neighborhoods in Nutley surrounded our parish of by-then successful Italians.
If you think real hard about it,  all parents are dishonest with their children at some level or other (Santa Claus, tooth fairy, and in many more consequential ways).  
The Irish brothers debunked much of those nun-stories, and the Jesuits introduced critical thinking to faith studies (theology). 
BTW:  I was never molested by anyone in those communal (communist with a small c) orders. 
Your throwing around of labels (capital C Communist, Marxist, etc.) is cheap shotting.  As soon as you use those words, you short circuit any real thinking or debate (and the integrity of your column).  Remember when you objected to use of the words Hitler or Nazis in the Yahoo forum?
BTW #2:  Why is the city government involved at all with the Columbus Day show?  Shouldn't a good Republican like you want to privatize the celebration, make it private (Italian American clubs)?
Much of the above is off the top of my head and rather trivial.
More importantly, I just think it is a shame that while you have the "pulpit" in triCity, you fail to use it to justify (and educat your readers to)  issues really sacred to the traditional right wing.  Instead you're mimicking the likes of Ann Coulter, Bill O'Reilly, Rush and that ilk; besides, I think the public is quickly tiring of that polarizing schtick.
Have you reviewed lately any real American conservative thinkers:  Wm. F. Buckley, Barry Goldwater, etc.?
See "Slothful Conservatism" in follow up email.
Also  HBO is currently airing a great documentary on Goldwater.
10/12      A long Statement from the American Conservative Union.  Nothing composed by me.
10/13      Tommy,      In reference to your comments:
Do you know what hurts worse than calling a black man the N word?  Telling him he is over-reacting when he gets upset about it.
I'd rather be accused of over reacting than some of the things your column accuses others of: traitors, pinkos, etc.

As for kids, I'm pretty well experienced x 4.  You can't discuss every subject in the world with them, and different kids will handle subjects at an earlier age than others.  You have to know their personalties. Keady the "educator" will find that out someday.  If he thinks I'm going to sit down with my 6 year old on Columbus Day and discuss rape and murder, he's an asshole (aside from the fact it isn't correct).  At 6 I can discuss the founding of his Country and instill some pride in him.  It doesn't mean I'm dishonest with him
I know all that after 35 years of teaching.  Columbus didn't found this country.  Some say he "discovered" this geographic area.  Do you ever discuss the liberal "enlightenment" founders of his country.   How about the beauty of a country which started out favoring only land-owning white men and has progressed to fulfilling most of the founders' ideals through the mechanisms they put in place. 

I have a book on Martin Luther King, Jr. detailng his accomplishments that I read to my kids on his birthday.  Am I supposed to stop in the middle and say, "By the way, in the interest of full disclosre, he cheated on his wife."  Good grief.
There you go again with that Strawman strategy.  The above would be as inappropriate as the full machinery of the R party spending over $60 million for several years distracting this country with all sorts of sordid details such as Clinton's cigar and Monica's dress.  Good grief is right!

Oh, Santa Claus makes me dishonest?  Respectfully, you need a better definition of what dishonesty is.
You missed the point about various levels of untruths, Santa and T fairy being examples of inconsequential ones. 

I've got Keady pegged.  Asbury is a resume padder for him.  He has no global view of the City because he coudn't care any less about it.

As I said, he didn't get my vote.  But man, you're over the top I think with "couldn't care less."

It seems to me the more we discuss this matter, the further apart we get.  
Yes because you always seem to conveniently focus on certain phrases with which you can create strawmen and ignore the main components of an opposing viewpoint.

I just don't think we're going to get anywhere on this issue.
Probably not on most issues.  To quote from an earlier email of mine to you, I find your rhetoric and debate style as being "textbook examples of "Poisoning the Well and Other Personal Attacks."  (e.g., "I once asked a long-haired maggot-infested FM-type environmentalist wacko who he thought was threatening the owl.")

10/13.  A paste from C-Span about an upcoming interview with Republican John Danforth.  Nothing composed by me.
Tommy,      In reference to your comment:
  If you have a moment, I was hoping you could take a look at my new blog,  It even has a Jersey Shore Blog page.  Maybe leave a comment and please click on my ads!   Let me know what you think (didn't you used to have one of these? "Asbury Libbrahl" or something like that?  I might be thinking of someone else maybe).   
The blog that you're referring to was simply called Menagerie .
Maybe I'm just jumping to conclusions or grasping at straws, as you often do, but your recall and spelling of the word as "Libbrahl" was a red flag to me, revealing to me once again, maybe unconscious on your part,  the intense disdainful attitude you have for the liberal tradition in this country.   It's one thing to disagree, another to disparage; but alas for our country, disparagement, not debate,  seems to be the order of the day
There can be no civil debate when one person has such underlying contempt about his opponents views.  Your spelling of that word is a perfect mimick of Limbaugh' s "dripping 'Ls' " when he uses that word.
Thus, the task of replying went on the "back burner."
Anyway, If you could share with the Yahoo Groups, I'd owe you yet another favor (how many is that now?).
Whenever I did share your emails with Yahoo groups, the responses were not very flattering, and so I refrained from sharing them with you.  Some respondents claimed that your triCity columns were purposely outrageous to stir up foment and increase triCity readership.  I did consider that possibility, but, since your Keady column has metastasized from your column to your blog and the Yahoo group, I think you've crossed the line.

Tikkum Olam,

Tommy,      In reference to your comment:

You certainly conduct a great deal of psycho-analyzing of me below over the use of the word "librahl." 
I wouldn't say 2-3 paragraphs is a great deal.  And the analysis isn't merely over the use of that word.  I did say "once again" because I recall how much of your columns drip with disparagement rather than with any intellectual vigor: the Murtha article comes to mind immediately (especially your quote from Saddam which he never said); then there are such terms as "dummycats," not mean spirited, but certainly childish.

Now I'll admit I'm not the psycho-analyzer you are, but I think your analyzing me with so many negative thoughts over that word reflects in you a desire to paint me that way.  I don't think you like me very much.
Now who's psychoanalyzing?  It's not about that one word. And it's not about you, Tommy.  You go public with your sophomoric analyses, you should expect come-backs.

I know it is easy to believe that people that are conservative are mean like you describe me below.
What is it with you?  You really don't read with comprehension or memory of what someone says.  I consistently point out conservatives whom I admire  (Buckley, Goldwater, Brooks, Tierney, and other non-mud wallowers on the right).  And more and more people on the right are demonstrating their integrity and patriotism these days by breaking from the party line now that our country's foreign policy... (I digress.)

Instead you focus on trivialities said about you and then react like a victim.  Your rhetoric is AM radio Rush/Rove/Coulter stuff, and I sincerely believe that, after 20ish years of that, it is hurting our country--Big Time.

You see, Mr. and Mrs. Keady believe in free speech as long as it is theirs.  My free speech of dressing my kids for the Columbus landing didn't get their respect - If got me called "Fucking Idiot" "Fucking lunatic" and "Jerk."  Oh how respectful of the opinions of others!  Do you think that might have been on my mind when writing my column?
I'll repeat, I never voted for him, and I don't like his priorities for Asbury Park.  This town needs to get back on its feet before it can afford much more of Christian charity (what you would call pinko activities).

I bet though you'll still think I'm the guy with contempt in his heart and not them.  The false labeling comes with the territory of being conservative - I'm used to it and can't do anything about it so I won't even try. 
I said disdain, not contempt, I think.  It's that neo-con moral superiority thing (think smarmy "Santorum") you seem to wear on your sleeve. 
No I wouldn't be surprised if Keady turned out to be a hypocrite, or even (hang on, here comes a major Bush vocabulary word) an "evil-doer."   We on the left are a lot more skeptical of the holy guys.  That's why I sicced the [sic] on the Rev Kev.  (BTW: That "whomever" you used above deserved a [sic].  lol)
Where would your party be today without Ralph Reed, Jerry Falwell, Pat Robertson et al.?  
I see below that any affiliation with me causes you grief from others. I don't want your reputation ruined for knowing me, so I'll ease you of that burden.  You need not interact with me.  You can let whomever they are know that you told me off but good so you can get back in their good graces. 
Sorry if I wasn't clear about the above.  I got no grief personally;  I meant to indicate that the Yahoo responses contained mainly "disses" about you and your columns.  As a "compassionate liberal," I tried to shield you from them. 
Read some of your words above again; man, and you righties talk about the self-pitying victim-syndrome!
Interestingly enough, I never met you or Keady personally, but  I suspect that I would prefer having a beer with you than with him.
Hmmmm.   Wait a minute.  Isn't that why many voters said they voted for Bush rather than Kerry?
Tikkum Olam,

Another major conservative voice on TV tonight  All promo from C-Span.  Nothing composed by me.
10/15   Tommy,      In reference to:
You certainly conduct a great deal of psycho-analyzing of me below over....
You based that comment on 2 or 3 sidebar-type paragraphs, and I've already responded to that.
But consider the following:
I checked out your link to the video which you claimed showed that Zinn advocated assassinating the president. I watched it several times.
1.  In that clip,  the image of the aimed gun lasted about two seconds.
2.  That image was apparently placed there, next to Zinn, by whoever created the video.
3.  I found nothing indicating that Zinn approved of that juxtaposition.
3.  I haven't yet found the origin of that image; my guess is that it is connected with a movie that will be released Oct 27.  Looking for Sleepers in a Wake-Up World - New York Times 
Could you not be accused of a major stretch or, worse yet, "Swiftboat Journalism":
1. Two second gun clip.  2. placed next to clip of Zinn by someone other than Zinn.  3. Keady recommends reading Zinn.  4. Calls for Keady's resignation in print and on the web.
Should you go to the NYT link above, please also consider the following before writing a column about the movie:
1.  The film is being released by the company that released "The Passion of the Christ."
2.  The web site for the film includes a clever stratagem:  links to reviews by people who saw the film, and links to reviews by people who haven't seen the film.


Finally, regarding your comment that I should get out to hear what others are saying about the councilman:
I heard what others have said.  And too many of them are tossing the word "Commie" around.  That scares the shit out of me.  As far as I'm concerned, you are at least in part, a major part, responsible for that.


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