sharon_b283  wrote: 

You said, you write  opinions for the TCN, right? Yours, or theirs? Personal, 
or  platform/mouthpieceYou said, you write  opinions for the TCN, right? 
Yours, or theirs? Personal, or  platform/mouthpiece<WBR>, for the Council 
YOU support? Which is it?  I'm confused and had stopped reading TCN, because 
of some of the most blatent  slander, I've ever read! That paper goes after a 
person's character,  reputation and misjudges individuals, ALL the time, in a 
very biased, unfair,  manner. I consider it a "gossip" shee
opinion,....    12/5/2006 at 9:47:08 A.M. Eastern Standard  Time

Thank you, Sharon.  I lost count of how many folks I've met  because of my 
similar criticisms over the past few months.  
Most claim also to have stopped reading that column if not TCN  entirely.  I 
have never encountered a single soul, other than the  anonymous one(s) in this 
group, who support those unJustified  columns.

========Original  Message========     Subj: [AsburyPark] Re: Eminent Domain  
Date: 12/5/2006 9:47:08 A.M. Eastern Standard Time  From: 
(   Sent on:    

You said, you write opinions for the TCN, right?
Yours, or  theirs? Personal, or platform/mouthpieceYours, or  their
members YOU  support? Which is it? I'm confused and had stopped
reading TCN, because of  some of the most blatent slander, I've ever
read! That paper goes after a  person's character, reputation and
misjudges individuals, ALL the time, in a  very biased, unfair, manner.
I consider it a "gossip" sheet, rather than  "fair and balanced", using
the FOX Media line, which is neither FAIR or  BALANCED. Just my
opinion, if you pardon the pun. I would swear you have a  vendetta
against JK, simply because he tries to help those who can't or  don't
have the means to help themselves. He is seen as the "voice of  the
voiceless" in the Black and Hispanic Community, here. He sees  our
youth hurting and wanting to belong to something, yet, he is the  ONLY
man I see standing up, for them. You represent the status quo,  the
almighty dollar and the power elite's, bottom line. He is a  Champion,
for the little people, in my opinion.

--- In [EMAIL PROTECTED] ( ,  
> ---  In [EMAIL PROTECTED] ( ,  
"dfsavgny" <dfsavgny@> wrote:
> > Be careful Tom. Are  you sure Keady wrote it? 
> He is the Chair of the Committee that  wrote it. He owns it unless he 
> comes out and disavows it or at least  that part of if.
> >Nice to see you and the 
> >  missus Sat.
> Likewise. How did you get that Angelic women to  marry you? ;-) 
> > Why don't we you guys just cut this short  and just tar and feather 
> >him [Keady]
> > and run him out  of town on a rail?
> Don't make any assumptions, friend. Remember  my first post about Keady 
> and E.D. said I'm not offering an opinion  right now. My second post 
> said if he has an opinion closer to mine,  I'll compliment him.
> Just to give a bigger hint, I'm waiting  and hoping for the opportunity 
> to compliment him. I just need him to  clarify his position. Right now 
> he has me confused - In June he calls  for a statewide halt to E.D. but 
> now he authors a plan that allows it.  I honestly don't know where he 
> stands and I don't think anyone else  does either.
> It could be that I'm wrong about what his position  was in June with 
> respect to E.D. (from private owner to private  owner).
> Or, maybe his postion is changed, which is no sin.  Reagan started as a 
> Democrat. If JK's postion has changed he should be  OK with saying so. 
> If it changed and it is more like mine, I'll be  happy to compliment 
> him. I promise I will.
> I don't  want him tarred, feathered or run out of town. I like him as a 
> person  (who wouldn't?) and I'm very fond of Ms. Keady too. I just have 
> some  policy differences with him. 
> My policy differences with him  get highlighted more than others because 
> I'm charged by the newspaper  with writing about AP politics, and it 
> looks worse because I'm an  opinion columnist, not a news reporter. 
> That just makes it seem like  I'm more jazzed about issues than others, 
> when in fact a curory reading  of this board shows that I'm far from 
> being the most worked-up about AP  stuff around here.
> Having to write a column has certainly  strained my relationship with 
> him, but that's a price anyone pays for  disagreeing. I wish it wasn't 
> that way, but it is. I don't see you  breaking bread with Jimmy Bruno. 
> You've said 100 times you have nothing  personal against the guy, but 
> the more you speak out against his  politics, the more you open yourself 
> to a charge that you are just out  to get him. It's unavoidable that 
> people will make that charge against  you, no matter how untrue it is. 
> The same goes for me and JK. I wish it  wasn't the case, but I can't do 
> anything about it.
>  Maybe JK will clarify his E.D. position by answering the questions 
>  AsburyCouple posed. He owes them an answer far more than he owes  me.


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