On 12/7/2006 at 11:06:43 A.M.  Eastern Standard Time, 

Mario you had indicated that  you would post here about Congressman Pallone's 
response to your inquire  [sic]regarding the statement he made about Asbury  
Park.    Did he ever respond to  you?

I could choose to see the above as a "monkey  question" and ignore it.
Instead, I'll label it a "leading question" and respond with a  few of my own:
1. Did you ever send the $100 check to the veterans'  organization?    See 
messages at _http://groups.yahoo.com/group/AsburyPark/message/18471_ 
(http://groups.yahoo.com/group/AsburyPark/message/18471)   and  
(http://groups.yahoo.com/group/AsburyPark/message/18492)  .
2. Did you ever make a retraction or an apology to  Keady?  See 
3. In last week's column, you referred to the AP Chamber of  Commerce as 
"Bastards," "Communist Heathens," under "an idiot spell" of  "witches," guilty 
"Politically Correct bullshit," and you threatened to  spit in the eye of 
anyone wishing you "Happy Holidays."  
    A. Did you intend that column to be a  model of the "Judeo-Christian" 
values which you claim progressives  lack?
    B. You ended that column  with "Praise Jesus."  How is that different 
from the Islamic fascists  who shout "Praise Allah!" to justify violence, 
or otherwise?  
    C.  If you intended that column  to be amusing, weren't you aware of the 
commandment "You shall not take the name  of the Lord your God in vain"?
    D. Aren't you aware that  "holidays" comes from "holy days"? 

4. You always  defend the rights of anonymous posters who, coincidentally, 
always seem to agree  with you although on a more intemperate and vicious 
an intriguing  connection.  (A leading statement not unlike those you make in 
your  columns: e.g., Zinn, assassination, Keady; e.g., Hitler, secular school 
boards;  et al.)
Re: Pallone
Who was the reporter, Tommy?  And where is it  recorded?  Lots of quotes in 
the Press article.  Not one mention of  the sensational sentence you used in 
your column!  No red  herrings.  The reporter and where recorded? You repeated 
the quote twice in  your column for shock value, so I'll repeat my questions 
for emphasis too:   Who was the reporter? Where is it recorded?   
You printed the following as a direct quote, i.e.,  the exact words of 
Pallone: "I'm not going to bat in a city where I don't have a  good 
with the mayor."
How about these for leading questions?  Does  this say more about our mayor 
than it does about the congressman?  What are  the details about that poor 
relationship?  Did the congressman get the same  treatment from our elected 
officials as Councilman Keady gets?
Final leading question:  I voted for these city  officials, but see where 
your provocations push people like me.  I'll buy a  round of drinks on the day 
those officials formally distance themselves from  your tactics.
Happy Holidays

========Original Message========
    Subj: [AsburyPark] Mario:  Pallone Response?  Date: 12/7/2006 11:06:43 
A.M. Eastern Standard Time  From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
(mailto:AsburyPark@yahoogroups.com)   Sent on:    

Mario you had indicated that you would post here about Congressman  
Pallone's response to your inquire regarding the statement he made 
about  Asbury Park.

Did he ever respond to you?


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