On 12/9/2006 at 7:56:47 A.M.  Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

the use "Marshall Law" was  ill-advised but the focus of the 
post was really about bringing on the  best posible talent to our 
local police and having strict enforcement of  existing laws 
including quality of life offenses. 

I think you're referring to the concept of "Zero Tolerance" where  municipal 
enforcement is applied to minor offenses such as jaywalking and  littering as 
well as more serious crimes.  It's a tactic which has also  been adapted for 
school systems in trouble.  I think it's synonymous with  the "broken window" 
theory of law enforcement.  I remember its becoming  famous (or infamous) 
during the Giuliani administration in NYC.  Lots of  pro/con info on the 

========Original  Message========
    Subj: [AsburyPark] Re: An open letter...  Date: 12/9/2006 7:56:47 A.M. 
Eastern Standard Time  From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent on:    

Personally I think you missed the point a bit of that post a bit - I  
think the use "Marshall Law" was ill-advised but the focus of the 
post  was really about bringing on the best posible talent to our 
local police and  having strict enforcement of existing laws 
including quality of life  offenses. I don't think the point was to 
enforce curfews and suspending  personal freedoms as is the essence 
of Marshall Law. My guess is that was  used more as a figure of 
speech. The rest of the post below seems to be  reasonable.

--- In [EMAIL PROTECTED] (mailto:AsburyPark@yahoogroups.com) ,  
"2fine4u" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> You want to  declare martial law, do you? It means that for those 
> us who obey  the law, a curfew will be set, troops will be in our
> streets and almost  certainly, suspension of habeas corpus, denial 
> council,  suspension of the constitution on people, that's YOU, who
> have done,  NOTHING! If you don't live in AP, shut UP! There are
> times, I have to  pick up my daughter, from the train station, after
> midnight, because she  attends classes in NYC. Who the hell are 
> to want to do such a  thing? You'd disrupt the lives of those who 
> nights, holidays,  etc., in far locales, because there are NO jobs,
> here! Medical  emergencies happen in the middle of the night. I 
> My husband  had a mild heart attack, when? 2:30 in the morning,
> that's when! I drove  him to the hospital, why? I needed to be 
> to come and go to take  of business, he couldn't, that's why! Hell,
> I'll Move, that's what! We  already have a theocracy operating in
> Washington and THANKS to the  Democrats, these bible-beating
> hypocrites, will be GONE in January!  Everyone in America isn't a
> christian. Just as Jews were rounded up in  Germany, Poland and 
> European countries, you have muslims being  rounded up, detained,
> beaten and denied their civil liberties. Hell,  give me a ticket 
> I'll take my black a**, back to Africa! Then,  you'll have your
> Mexican slaves to work for slave wages, here for you!  You
> class-conscious bunch of hypocrites!
> --- In [EMAIL PROTECTED] (mailto:AsburyPark@yahoogroups.com) ,  
MarioAPNJ@ wrote:
> >
> > 
> > On 12/7/2006 at  7:52:14 P.M. Eastern Standard Time, apoojo@ 
> > 
>  > 
> > HIRE THE BEST, hire the ones who will enforce the laws, all  
> > including quality of life issues ... 
> >  
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > There's much to be said  for the broken windows theory, a.k.a.
> quality of 
> > life  issues.
> > 
> > Go for it AP!
> > 
> >  ========Original Message=====  
> > Subj: [AsburyPark] Re: An  open letter... Date: 12/7/2006
> 7:52:14 P.M. 
> > Eastern  Standard Time From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (mailto:apoojo@ Easte
(mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] (mailto:AsburyPark@yahoogroups.com) )  
> Sent on: 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> >  
> > 
> > 
> > --- In  _AsburyPark@ --- In  _Asbur
> (mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] (mailto:AsburyPark@yahoogroups.com) )  
> > "asburycouple" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
> >  wrote:
> > >
> > > An open letter to this board and to  the City Council:
> > > 
> > > Rome is burning right  here in Asbury Park, Let's stop talking 
> > about BS and start >  doing something.
> > >
> > i totally agree rome is burning,  what is the answer? declare 
> > law and call in the state  police to clean up this mess? not a 
> > beginning! I read  today we will be hiring more police officers, 
> > while this will  raise our taxes i have no problem with that, i 
> > ask no I  DEMAND one thing, HIRE THE BEST, screw the local 
list , 
> > screw  the civil service list, open it to the county or state 
> >  HIRE THE BEST, hire the ones who will enforce the laws, all 
>  > including quality of ilfe issues and not the ones who will turn 
> > backs because they went to high school with someone, HIRE THE  
BEST, i 
> > expect to take some flack from this statement, and to  you asses 
> > do not believe this could happen just go to the  library look up 
> > articles, see the pictures of police  officers hired in the past 
> > because the fix was in being taken out  in handcuffs, JUST HIRE 
> > BEST , i do not think that to be  an unreasonable request.
> >


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