On 12/14/2006 at 3:17:29  P.M.  [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: 

My Mom, always told me, never discuss  Religion or Politics. 
Wise advice for the bar room, family reunions, holiday get-togethers and  the 
Not so wise in the arena of public debate where ideas have consequences  
involving public policy: civil rights, health care, stem cell research, the  
environment, multi-cultural education, patriotism, etc.  In those  
better advice from AIDS activists who coined, "Silence equals  Death" and 
Holocaust survivors who resolved, "Never Again!"  

Everyone has a political view, or not  and religious views, or not. When he 
goes on a rant, he does just that. This is a free  country, where opinions, 
don't always coincide, agree? Toomy goes off on a  rant about this or that, ,,,,

The archived messages of this group will show that my criticisms  are aimed 
exclusively at the content, tone, and rhetoric of the columns and  posts here.
"Nothing personal" as they say.
Happy  Holidays!

74  percent of Americans knew the Three Stooges, Larry, Curly and Moe, by  
name; only 42 percent could name the three branches of our  government.

77 percent could name two of Snow White's seven dwarfs while only 24  percent 
of Americans could name two United States Supreme Court  justices.  Zogby 
Poll: _NYC;  Good Thing We Citizens Aren't Tested - New York Times_ 

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