"I'm not sure why you wouldn't want at least a portion of the retail and 
entertainment in place early on to attract the interest of people to the 
condos.  Why wait until the end?"
  i was just quoting what was said, and estimating a time frame of when this so 
called "retail" would be started in my mind.  i understand why they, or maybe a 
few other "developers" would wnat to have condos in place before they touch any 
form of retail.  it makes sence.  you want the bl0cks, or at least a few 
looking lived in, and complete.  you dont want people driving through bare 
empty lots to get to a thriving boardwalk.  however, i think as of now, once 
nort beach, wesly grove and the c8 lot are completed, some form of perminate 
retail should begin.  i wouldnt want for more condos to be built, thats 
rediculous in my mind.  the three residentail properties are enough in my mind 
to show "life".  and now that all the roadwalk, sidewalks, new lights are in 
place, soon through out the entire waterfront distrcit.  i think the whole area 
looks good, even with teh empty lots.  

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