The total number of students in the Asbury Park School District is 2,354.  In 
the 02 and 03 school year we had 2,984. That said, I welcome the State of New 
 Jersey to come in and take a good hard look at our district. The tax payers  
of Asbury Park have been burdened enough. I am sure they can come up with 
ways  to save us money (THE TAXPAYER).
Administrators are a waste if they are not allowed to do the job they were  
hired to do. Boards can be a waste if members get distracted by  their egos or 
the unimportant issues.
If the Governor has his way and his consolidation plan goes into effect I  
would not be surprised if we are one of the districts to consolidate.
Time will tell.
Garrett Giberson VPBOE

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