  ha!  well, there is no competition here.  im just posting what i see.  asbury 
park has alwasy changed.  you can look at a new buidling and say it doesnt 
belong. whos to say it doenst belong?  do we have to put every new building of 
feature into a certain time frame from the past?  why cant we make things new, 
as they did back then.  all these old styles were new at one point.  you can 
clearly see it in some of asburys houses.  you see many of one time, then all 
of a sudden a different era came a long, and the look of houses changed.  tear 
down all the older ones?  no.    i understand the point werner is making 
though, with the citys streets.  that is true, you have to keep that the way it 
is.  with the exception of the closure of part of lake ave, i think things have 
stayed true.  wasnt it in the 70s that all the avenues were widened to make 
room for more parking?? taking away the citys traditional grassy triangle 
centers?  well this plan brought them back, something that
 didnt have to be done.  im sure some people out there would have liked the 
streets to remain how they were, giving way for more parking.  but to be 
historicaly correct to bradleys plane, the trinagles were brought back.

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