Sharon, while you are admirably insuring that competent school board members 
are being elected, please remember that the best way to get the state off 
Asbury's back is to increase students' test scores.  Since you are willing to 
get the parents involved in this process, it would be very beneficial if you 
could also get them to sign a pledge that they will get more involved in their 
children's learning which includes working with them, getting them the help 
that they need, raise their expectations of what is considered a good grade, 
ask to see their homework assignments and discuss it.  They learning process 
can't all be put upon the teachers.  The parents input is crucial.
-----Original Message-----
Sent: Mon, 19 Feb 2007 11:38 AM
Subject: [AsburyPark] Re: Board of Ed

Sharon you say you are going to support the Board. That's the 
problem , this Board looks looks like it's pretty much split. Then 
who do we back. The majority? But that can change vote to vote. Maybe 
the best thing to do is wait until after the election. We will learn 
who the voters want to back. A clear cut majority and direction could 

I agree with all of the posts placed here, so far. I only know a few
> of the posters, here, by name. I will help all concerned, do
> ANYthing, as long, as it's legal! I will be in attendance, at the
> next one, if nothing, but to lend support. People are more 
> when they see their friends, backing them up. I'm going to put my
> mouth, where my intentions, are! Money, too, if need be. If I'm
> needed to circulate petitions, fliers or anything that will set a
> fire, to the residents, you can count on me! Cold or no cold, rain,
> snow, whatever; when I get involved, I put my body, into it! I am
> sending Frank information, on how I can be reached, etc., so that he
> knows, someone is going to help. Can I count on the rest of you to
> support our board in this effort? I'm parking my attitude,
> personality and anything else, that would hinder this push, that we
> need. We have power and we should use it, collectively and
> continuously, to help out in any way we can! I'm going to support 
> board, 110%, because if the will of the people and WE are, the 
> it will be a rallying force. I am vowing to be there, if I have to
> use my cane, to walk with. You'll see why. My mind, is alert, but 
> body, may not be willing. It's the curse, of aging! I know my 
> is in the right place. I can donate paper for fliers, but my 
> is limited. If anyone wants to email me off group, please feel free
> to so do.
> Sharon
> --- In, "apeaexec1" <apeaexec1@> wrote:
> >
> > I couldn't agree with you more with the fact that we do not need 
> > total state takeover. That would be counterproductive. You see 
> > mess they cause in the other districts. It's a joke. Remember 
> > was overseeing and making recommendations as well as signing off 
> > all documents out of the Asbury Park School District...... The 
> > state. Nothing went through the Superintendent without them 
> > off, namely the head of the Abbott division in Trenton, who I 
> > add, just resigned his post.
> > 
> > The thing that amazes me, I mean this with all due respect, is 
> > fact that this site primarily worries about everything but the 
> > district. Do you realize that this is the single biggest 
employer in 
> > the city with the largest budget, which is about three times the 
> > of the entire City of Asbury Park's budget? This is almost $100 
> > million. Why aren't more residents demanding answers to the hard 
> > questions. Like what about the shredded documents? How can the 
> > Assistant Superintendent command her secretary to shred three 
> > gigantic garbage bags of official documents, and still be there 
> > give more orders? What about Lewis' suspension? What about the 
> > budget mess and 23 recommendations from the auditor. 
> I had no idea!
> Middletown also 
> > has a suspended Superintendent. The residents up there keep 
> > questioning and pressuring. That's what needs to happen here. 
> > 
> > As for the ballsy move, maybe someone needs to make the threat. 
> > still have a high school that is completely out of hand to 
> > with. 
> You got that, right! Every year, I purchase "Need a Lift" Books, 
> have all of the scholarships, grants and information, known and I
> bring them to the guidance office. I told this to an old friend, 
> happens to teach in the high school. She had no knowledge of 
them. I
> was told to give them to her directly from now on! They cost $5.00
> each and I always give APHS, 4 of them and they can be photo-
> The last candidate, that my group, sent to Girls' State, at Georgian
> Court, was from the Asbury Park High School, one of the top 10 in 
> class, (2006).
> They need a strong leader in the school, which they don't have 
> > right now. If they get a good replacement, it could work. --- In 
> >, "apoojo" <apoojo@> wrote:
> > >
> > > --- In, "apeaexec1" <apeaexec1@> 
> > > >
> > > first let me commend any volunteer for serving on any bd. with 
> > pay 
> > > no bendits, too many problems and very little help from the 
> > > above you, in this case the state of n.j. since the 80s to the 
> > > present every state supt. has made a photo op., repeated how 
> > are 
> > > going to help, yet we continue to be slipping backwards. while 
> > > bd. cannot put items on the agenda they can make motions 
> > > the administrators and professionals to look into situations or 
> > > problems and report back to the bd. i am happy this has 
> Which is why I'll be there, to stem the abuse!
> > > while it may seem impossible to remove tenured employees, it is 
> > > especially if the have purposely supplied false data to the 
> > or 
> > > feds. several years ago the bd. refused to take actions on the 
> > > supts. requested appointments of top administrators, they were 
> > > faulted and replaced, the next bd. acted on the supt. 
> > > and both the union and some bd. members say they were terrible 
> > > appointments. which bd. was right? 
> This, is serious!
> who knows. Again i put a 
> > majority 
> > > of the blame at the state level, local bds. have so many 
> > > with almost no flexibility. 
> I am against a totall state takeover, 
> > > for several reasons, the most important being their results in 
> > other 
> > > districts they have taken over are worse then ours. that being 
> > i 
> > > offer a ballsy solution to part of our problem, the bd. make a 
> > > motion at the next meeting putting the state on on notice that 
> > > June 30, 2007, they are closing the high school, and operating 
> > > preschool to grade 8 system. this would do several things, 
> > > positive, it would give you more time to focus on fewer 
> > it 
> > > would stop segregation, it would certainly provide the students 
> > > better shot at an efficent educational system. and it really 
> > wouldnt 
> > > be that hard for the state to divide 300 students, between 
> > > surrronding districts. 
> What if this works? I'm all for it!
> > > it almost sounds too easy, oh yea the state is not going to be 
> > > happy with this, but what are they going to do take away your 
> > and 
> > > benefits?
> > > 
> > > think you need to get as many people as possible to attend 
> > > > meetings and express their frustration in a broken system 
> > the 
> > > > administration does not want to fix. 
> That's what I'm in favor of, also!
> The staff members,namely 
> > the 
> > > > teachers, can not do their job if there is no administrative 
> > > > support. I will be posting the full text of what was said at 
> > > > board meeting so that you can see exactly what the reasons 
> > for 
> > > no 
> > > > confidence. We have been trying to straighten this mess out 
> > > > years.
> > > > 
> I know!
> > > > I am in full agreement with you that Frank and few others 
> > > have 
> > > > nothing to gain personally by being on the board. 
> I knew this, all along, but I thought they had a lot of support!
> They really 
> > want 
> > > > to fix the mess. This is going to be a pivital year with 
> > > seats 
> > > > up for election. It takes strong people to stand up and fight 
> > > > what is right. Attending these meetings and demanding 
answers as 
> > a 
> > > > resident, parent, taxpayer and even staff member is what 
> > > > should be doing at these meetings monthly.
> I hear what you're saying! I've been such an ostrich!
> > > > 
> > > > I believe that umless something is done extremely fast, we 
> > > never 
> > > > be able to fix these problems. With the right person in 
> > > this 
> > > > mess can begin to be fixed. There are some links in the 
chain of 
> > > the 
> > > > union that of course, like any other organization, need some 
> > > > assistance. But they, in no way, cause the amount of the 
> > problems 
> > > > that the administration has done over the past 8 years. 
> Are you an administrator, or know of a good candidate?
> Like I 
> > > have 
> > > > said, you need good administrative support to advise you what 
> > > are 
> > > > doing wrong and how to correct the problems. Right now, in 
> > > high 
> > > > School and Middle School, you don't have that.
> We need good, honest, reliable, leadership...NOW!
> SB
> >

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