So the story of the day is restaurant plans for HoJo moving ahead.
After I got through fuming at the fact that most of the maneuvers of late, 
before the council as well, have been to force down the throats of the planning 
board a plan to rehab the lower level of the 5th Ave pavilion in slap-dab 
scenario, I realized the bigger issue. 
At the last planning board meeting I said that I thought the push for the 
quick and dirty rehab was an effort on Asbury Partners to woo MM into signing 
their contract. But it seems now that MM, having given up on the Partners 
fullfilling their contractual obligations to the City, has joined their chorus 
asking the planning board for the same makeshift-style rehab. 
Once again, time is of the essence. Hurry, hurry, no time to deliberate or 
get us to go with what we've agreed to do in the past  - what we're contracted, 
bligated to do. Just give us this break now and we'll love you for it later. 
We'll make you happy wait and see. Where have I heard that one?
Back to the article. The Big Issue is that there isn't any restaurant deal 
sealed yet. Thank you Nancy for making that clear. 
It's March in two days. Not only is it impossible to do any decent rehab by 
Memorial Day - well if you were really committed and didn't mind double 
spending to make it happen... Sure, Fishman has spared no expense so far...
But what legitimate restauranteur is going to commit now to breaking their 
necks to install and have staffed and operational a new restaurant, built to 
someone else's directions and specifications, by Memorial Day? How can they 
commit to open in a space they haven't even seen? I'm not talking about a shell 
- a 
workable environment that they don't have to adapt at all! Would anyone on 
this board take such a chance?
So I can only assume that this is not about opening a restaurant. It's about 
letting Asbury Partners do that slipshod job they've always intended to do. 
This is about keeping Asbury Partners from missing their deadline and being 
to their obligation to open a restaurant there by Memorial Day or be in 
default. It's always a big hurry - the budget won't balance unless we sell them 
this now... Remember that one? How about, "Hurry, no you can't ask any more 
questions the planner has to fly back to Florida now."
Well, you know what? We can take our time and find our own restauranteur and 
designer/builder and produce a very nice restaurant ourselves with the space 
we take back from the Partners for default and the fine they have to pay us. 
Planning Board - stick to your guns. Matt Berman - you were so right, don't 
buckle now. Terry Reidy, you said it like it is. The plan didn't make sense. 
Don't rush folks, cause it won't be done to satisfaction anyway. We've waited 
this long for results. We'll wait to get it done right.

Maureen Nevin
Asbury Radio -"The Radio Voice of Asbury Park"
88.1FM - "6" Years on the Air!!
Asbury's Own Live Talk Showmailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
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