In reference to your  comment: 

Everything she does is just shameless  self promotion.


Yup!   A Cunning Stunt

========Original Message========
Subj: [AsburyPark] Re: Justified Right  Date: 3/6/2007 4:16:39 P.M. Eastern 
Standard Time  From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED])   To: 
[EMAIL PROTECTED] (mailto:AsburyPark@yahoogroups.com)   Sent on:    

The world really needs to stop giving Coulter airtime. She's an ass. A huge  
ass. People 
need to wake up and stop buying her revolting books. Everything  she does is 
shameless self promotion. She's a media attention  whore.

--- In [EMAIL PROTECTED] (mailto:AsburyPark@yahoogroups.com) ,  
"dfsavgny" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> --- In [EMAIL PROTECTED] (mailto:AsburyPark@yahoogroups.com) ,  
> <justifiedright@> wrote:
>  >
> > Not kidding brother! I'll give the Democrat crowd the same  pass on 
> > nervous laughter when Hillary called Gandhi a gas station  owner, an 
> > obvious swipe at the numner of East Indians operating  gas stations.
> > 
> > Check it out:
> > 
>  > _http://www.youtube.http://wwwhttp://www.yh_ 
>  >
> But I am not the political pundit with a particular  political twist 
> who wrote a column about John Edwards. Now you are off  the hook. You 
> typically promote the conservative viewpoint, here, on  your blog and 
> in TCN. Now, Coultergeist is the annointed angel of the  conservative 
> party. This is just the latest homophobic remark she has  made. You 
> hail from a place with a large gay community. Is an article  by you on 
> the subject not called for? Nothing on your blog about  it?
> Two wrongs don't make a right. Nervous laughter my  ass.

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