In reference to Chuck's  post What the hell happened to this message  board?: 

the board was better years ago though,  when things didnt go so far off topic.


Thanks for jogging my memory.  
Better than the government's Freedom of Information Act which can  take many 
months to yield results is, I repeat, Yahoo's Advanced  Search function which 
takens only seconds.
"Back in the Days" of 2005, this joint was jumpin'; sure was a banner  year;  
 there were posts by one who some claimed was trying  to be anonymous, I 
guess because of no profile:  _AsburyPark  : Search Results_ 
ins&MT=&charset=utf-8)    He gave, then got--a lot.

Some of the most  entertaining and enlightening from one courageous (as in 
"not anonymous") poster  are gathered here:    _AsburyPark  : Search Results_ 
Threads did go  off-topic occasionally; but sometimes they're the most 
amusing, and at  other times they reveal some mettle.  And when they reveal 
"local  color" about Asbury Park, then I suggest they're really not off  topic.
I won't paste any  excerpts here so as not to be accused of being biased; 
however, none are  mine.  
Search for those  "baseless personal attacks" here   _AsburyPark :  Advanced 
Search_ (  
Consider _allthingsasbury  : All Things Asbury_ 
(   where such 
can be minimized.  
And consider  reporting 61 mostly empty _ASBURY PEDDLER IS A  FAILURE_ 
(   posts as TOS 

=======Original Message========    Subj: Re: [AsburyPark] Re: What the hell 
happened to this message  board?  Date: 3/10/2007 11:50:11 P.M. Eastern 
Standard Time  From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED])   To: 
[EMAIL PROTECTED] (   Sent on:    

who knows.  read what you want, deleate what you dont.  it seems  to work 
fine.  the online world is not perfect.  the board was better  years ago 
when things didnt go so far off topic.  i think it  has to do with certain 
people that now post on the list.  if you dont  answer them... or reply 
back to them.. things will be all right.   you know the type of comments im 
talking about, the ones YOU KNOW will  inspire them to say more stupid things.  
why say it, if you know the  outcome?!!?  so you can complain about them 
later?  after you inspired  it!  maybe "your" the problem!  ha. (not directed 
anyone, just  general thinkings!)
TV dinner still cooling?
_Check out  "Tonight's Picks"_ 
(*  on Yahoo! TV.  

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