"That Honour now rests with the Stone Pony, formerly known as Mrs. 
Jay's Resaurant. Circa 1933."
  now that the stone pony is all thats left on that block, i think its a good 
time to fight for an extended "entertainment zone"  i could be wrong, but wasnt 
the stone pony site technicaly out of the "zone" but settled that it could 
remain where it was.  i think another bar, music place somewhat like the stone 
pony (ironcily, exactly like the golddigger. ha!) should be placed there.  both 
leading out to the outdoor stage area.  could be a good thing.  i went to the 
stone pony all through out highschool and still go.  im 25.  i dont want it to 
ever change or be anything then what it is right now.

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