In reference to jerseykev's  comment: 
God Bless  America

This country has been blessed...
with forefathers wise enough to establish a Democratic Republic, complete  
with safeguards to ward off theocrats like those in Iran, Iraq and Saudi  
who claim to know God's will, decapitate those who are infidels, and  talk 
children into suicide guaranteeing them the "Kingdom of God." 
If there had been bumper stickers back then, I think some the  Declaration 
signers would have "Lord, save me from your supposed  followers" stuck on the 
back of their buggies.
And your comment:

if they are an American citizen, they  have inalienable rights.   

Jefferson wrote that "all men" have inherent and  inalienable rights.  No 
And Matthew warned: "Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep's  
clothing...."  7:15

God bless humanity.
Complete reference:

Let me be the one to say it out loud.  The only real reason there is a 
conflict over This Mission in Asbury  Park is because the spiritual leaders of 
organization have gone on the  record that homosexuality is a sex addiction.   
So, now let me go on the  record.   In the light of having 50 States in the 
Nation, and seeing 45  States passing amendments to define marriage as being of 
one man and one  woman, and having only one State out of 50 allowing Gay 
Marriage, that being  Massachusetts, it's a small issue.   Let's not allow it 
even be as big  as some would like it to be.   I agree that every individual 
should have  the civil liberty to select one other person and bestow upon them 
all things a  spouse can bestow upon another spouse, if they are an American 
citizen, they  have inalienable rights.    However there is no way marriage 
should  be permitted between two members of the same sex.  But before I even  
discuss the issue let me point out that the real problem stems from all  
promiscuity.  Intimate sexual activity should be restricted to only  people who 
married and this is not a pitch for legislation controlling the  marriage bed.  
This is moral and character in nature not legal or  otherwise.   People of 
faith need to ban together to promote values,  starting at a very basic level, 
the home.  Schools need to stay out of  the character development of our 
children, and politicians need to simply  raise their own children and stop 
legislating sacred matters.    Government should never attempt to legislate 
"morality."   Government  would be best tending to the budget and spending of 
tax payer 
dollars.    Gay citizens have civil rights, granted.  However, they do not 
have the  right to invade the Kingdom of God in a manner that diminishes the 
entire  power of the faith within the Kingdom.   The whole battle is against 
Kingdom of God.  Those who are subjected to God's will understand  this.  Be 
kind to your neighbor but be pure before our God.   Even I  admit of falling 
short of the glory of God, but I die daily to my selfish  desires and hope to 
increase each moment in His desire for me.   Whether  someone agrees with me or 
not, is not the issue.   God Bless  America



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