So what suggestion might one have as an alternative to what is going on? 

2fine4u <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:          So be a sheep and don't come 
whining to anyone, when another of your
"rights" are taken away!

--- In, wait_foru <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I could care less about what is going on in Deal or Avon. I care
about my kids and others who may be in harms way on a daily basis.
Schools use to be a place where it was safe from violence and severe
pressure. When I was in school the only pressure was whether or not I
was wearing "belt hoops" LOL... who remembers that ???!!!! .. Some
of us are in denial and yes there is a fine line between the liberties
of all and yes as an African American male I am well aware of the
racism that exists and the numbers unjustly jailed. BUT!!! like I
said before we never thought our airports would be taking all the
security measures they are now until 9/11......well our schools need
to be more proactive. The NJSIAA just past a mandatory drug testing
for all athletes that compete in post season play. I just say lets
open up our eyes and stop turning our heads to what others are doing
while ours are killing themselves and selling drugs to one
> 2fine4u <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: So why haven't you had the
electronic chip, inserted in your arm, huh?
> No different, than metal detectors? Bush has you people turned into
> the sheep, you are! What ever happened to Civil Liberties or the
> Constitution? Just so happens that this district is majority Black! 
> Ever heard of the drug experiments done on Black Men at Tuskeegee,
> called "The Tuskeegee Experiment"? Look, go into Deal and Avon first
> and see what kind of reception, you'll get! Over 2 million Black men
> and women are incarcerated for non-violent offenses over treatment in
> the case of drugs. So instead of slavery, black men and women might
> as well be in China for the 10 cents an hour they make for more than
> making license plates! It's called "The Prison Industrial Complex"!
> The 1964 and 1965 Civil rights acts have been reversed to re-enslave
> us, thanks to Ronald Reagan. Do your own kids, first, not OURS! 
> --- In, wait_foru <wait_foru@> wrote:
> >
> > Testing for drugs in schools is no different than metal detectors
> that are currently in place in some NY schools. As much as the
> responsibility SHOULD fall in the laps of the parents its obvious that
> that is a losing agenda........ I personally dont like the idea of
> metal detectors framing our front doors of our schools, but who likes
> to take their shoes off at the airport or empty their luggage bearing
> all their personals....but if it comes down to safety for my kids then
> so be for the drugs....hey its a reality and we all bear the
> responsibility and if some kids say it has deterred them, then who
> else can give better testament....
> > 
> > 2fine4u <sharon_b283@> wrote: Test your OWN kids, first!
> I say, NO! If Gonzo, has his talking tour
> > and assistants, hiding from Congress, yelling 5th Amendment, I say NO,
> > NO, for my African Children! Test Yours!
> > 
> > --- In, "asburycouple" <asburycouple@>
> > wrote:
> > >
> > > I just saw on TV that the Hanover Park NJ schools are going to
> > > dug testing on all students. While controversial the stated
> > > is not to punish but to both deter use and to identify those
kids who 
> > > need help and get it to them.
> > > 
> > > One of the interesting comments I heard in the report was from some 
> > > students, who said the drug testing enabled them to have an excuse
> why 
> > > they wouldn't do drugs when offered by friends. I can relate as
> when I 
> > > was in High School my involvement in sports was an accetible
> reason for 
> > > me to turn down these types of offers without any hard feelings or
> peer 
> > > pressure.
> > > 
> > > I'd be interested in thoughts on this kind of policy for AP
> > > While the ACLU has already said they will fight this policy, the
> courts 
> > > have generally ruled against policies that single out indivuals or 
> > > groups but allowed broader non-discriminitory types of things. If
> this 
> > > kind of policy can help kids who try drugs before it's too late,
> remove 
> > > hard core drug users so others can learn in a safe environment and
> give 
> > > kids an acceptable way to avoid peer pressure I am all for it.
> > >
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
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