Re your comment: 

I be less concerned with their grammar and more  with the content. What  do 
they mean by manly  deeds? Is that homophobia I smell?

My post is mainly concerned  with the glaring dishonesty of trying to sound 
like a casual outside  observer of the campaigns instead of an actual candidate 
for the  BOE.
1. A charade by the poster who is really a candidate  hardly seems to model 
2. The careless language is no model for excellence in  education
3. "Enable them to continue to transcend the values of  "manly deeds, 
scholarship and love for all mankind" from another post is  what you're 
referring to. 
 "Transcending the values" doesn't make  sense.  Re "manly deeds":  
Sophisticated educators are  sensitive to the nuances of language.  Hence 
"mankind" is  
generally changed to "all men and women" or "humanity" or "humankind"   by 
editors.  Nuances are no small matter either.  

4. Your sense of smell seems on target regarding "manly  deeds."  But it is 
just another example of the main theme that campaign has  been waging: "us vs. 
Sunday was Holocaust Remembrance Day.  Just wondering how  much preaching 
there was about love, or at least tolerance; or maybe  preaching against 
demonizing as a political tool.

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