I think Paul Vail did a great job. I know as a lawyer, if the zoning board 
knocks this mission down, no appellate court will reverse them. Don't let Kerry 
lead anyone astray, the city of Asbury will be more than happy to defend us on 
appeal, the city doesn't want it, any sane person in Asbury doesn't want it. 
Those in favor of the mission are misguided liberals, or anti-white racists. 
I'll be sure to send any homeless person I should encounter to Kerry's house, 
lets see if she gives them shelter or is just another hypocrite.
Frank Farrell
920 Monroe Avenue
Asbury Park, New Jersey
  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: kerry butch 
  To: AsburyPark@yahoogroups.com 
  Sent: Wednesday, April 25, 2007 4:43 PM
  Subject: [AsburyPark] Thanks from Paul Vail


  We would like to respond to your expression of gratitude for the fact that we 
participated in the democratic process and your criticism that we have been 
"misled by the mission and radical pastors that try to divide this city." 

  We disagree with you that it is hard to gather facts,  form opinions, stand 
up for what you believe, etc. We independently researched the organization, 
interviewed Scott twice, toured the facility and poured over their 990 and 

  What we found suprised us. It looks really good.

  This is Christian based mission. The background checks it performs are 
screening and intakes. (It is illegal for the NJ State Police to perform a 
criminal background check for a non profit organization for the purpose of 
emergency shelter - but the media won't report that.) They refer individuals to 
services. They will not discriminate against gay men. They offer a "soup 
kitchen,"  emergency shelter and a longer term program that requires a 
contractual agreement between the individual and the nonprofit. 10 men will 
take part in that longer term program that will enable them to work at the 
shelter, attend meetings, church services and essentially "get back on their 

  The organization is in better financial shape than the City of Asbury Park 
(We realize that is not hard).  They have over 6 million dollars in assets and 
99% of their funds is come from private contributions and independent 
fundraising efforts such as a thrift store,etc. 

  We have also invested in Asbury Park and share property values concerns. It's 
perfectly legitimate to be concerned about property values. Missions have not 
hurt the property values in Morristown or Hoboken. Our priorities though, are 
with those who need emergency food and shelter.

  If the Zoning Board votes this down, the City of Asbury Park will once again 
end up in court racking up yet another legal tab. The mission will prevail 
because of the statistical information regarding the demographics of Asbury 
Park and Neptune. The mission has been previously ruled by a judge as having an 
inherently beneficial use.

  Calling the clergy that are in favor of the mission "radical pastors trying 
to divide this city" is more than disrespectful. What exactly is radical about 
a member of the clergy supporting a homeless shelter? You have been reprimanded 
before on this. By typifying the clergy in support the mission this way, you 
are, in essence, "race baiting" (ie Willie Horton style). Please stop. That is 
what really divides our community. 

  We believe providing these services to the homeless will make Asbury Park 

  In closure, do not thank us and then throw mud. It is not sincere. It is not 

  Kerry Butch 
  Andy Pawlan
  Lynda Ziemba 

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