An "open letter" to Paul Vail,
  I assume I am one of those "radical clergy" in support of Jersey Shore Rescue 
Mission. If my support of the mission is radical, I guess some of my other 
actions are radical and therefore I should re-consider their validity.
  1. In New Haven when the Metropolitan Church in its beginnings sought a 
meeting place, I said yes to their meeting in the Church I pastored. I imagine 
you disdain this kind of radicalilty.
  2. My dissatisfaction with the legislation of my United Methodist Church that 
says "homosexuality is incompatible with the Christian faith" and also says 
clergy who acknowledge that they are in a committed same gender relationship 
must be dismissed, prompted me to participate in the formation of United 
Methodists of Color for A Fully Inlcusive Church and be arrested twice: First 
with Soul Force as we picketed and then with 29 United Methodists as we 
performed civil disobedience in a session of our General Conference. I imagine 
you disdain this kind of radicality.
  3. I was witness for a clergywoman in the state of Washington who was brought 
to trial because she was open about her same gender relationship. She was found 
not guilty. I imagine you disdain this kind of radicalilty.
  The more I observe some of the Gay persons who are elected, appointed and in 
community leadership in Asbury Park, the more I begin to wonder if my 
ally/advocacy of Gay rights has been in vain. Thank God that there are some Gay 
persons in Asbury Park who have a vision of an inclusive Asbury Park that seems 
to have escaped you and some of your colleagues.
  Gil Caldwell, one of the "radical clergy"

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