I agree.  Sick of heaing the bitching, moaning and crying because things are 
not being done the way one person believes it should be.  Very closed minded.  
In the 30's Asbury was new and grand.  Lets face it that died.  Time to be new 
and grand again.   

----- Original Message ----
To: AsburyPark@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Friday, June 1, 2007 11:40:41 AM
Subject: [AsburyPark] At what point do we stop complaining and start embracing?

This morning, I was noticing the new grass on the updated traffic island on 1st 
ave. and I 
think it looks great. Big improvement. It also looks great at night as I 
approach my home. The 
new lights look inviting somehow. I'm sure Werner will have issue with this 
statement, but I 
like it.
That being said, progress is finally being made, and unfortunatly whether we 
like it or not, we 
can't stop it.
The Asbury we all know and love is only a memory now, but it's a good 
memory...and we now 
are looking at a new reality in our city. Sure, it might not be what we all 
love and remember, 
but I believe it's time to give the future that MM is building a chance. Since 
they've become 
actively involved, things appear to be moving along and are looking pretty good 
(I never 
thought I'd say that). I also think that MM is sensitive to our history and 
listening to our 

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