In a message dated 6/20/2007 9:51:38 A.M. Eastern Daylight Time,  

if there's anything that can be learned from  NYC's efforts a decade ago it 
is that focusing on quality of life crime with  zero tolerance is the best way 
to reduce the more serious  crimes. 
I, like many others, witnessed that transformation in NYC in the 90s.   And 
was impressed with Guiliani on that front at least.
I also remember some crying, foul fascists tactics at the time.  But I  also 
saw the no broken windows philosophy work very close to me.  My school  
district started to experience some problems with graffiti and littering around 
building.  I saw one of the culprits in action one day emptying his  locker 
garbage onto the hallway floor and leaving it there.  I asked him to  pick up 
after himself.  Spoiled white kid of professional parents replied  that's was 
why we hire janitors.  I insisted, so scowling white boy picks  up his stuff.
Soon after, we got a new superintendent who required that maintenance staff  
remove all signs of new graffiti overnight and repair any vandalism soon after 
 it was discovered.  If student was caught, he or his parents were  fined.
Also,  each time halls emptied after change of  classes, maintenance people 
immediately moved through every hallway and  swept/mopped all litter away so 
that at next bell students saw halls clean  again.  (Floors also shined from 
some chemical they use in the mops.)
Within months, our building was  basically free of litter.   Students 
followed the model and cleaned up after themselves without intimidating  
In my book of anecdotes, zero-tolerance works.  Consistent modeling  works 
(along with judicious use of strongly worded warnings and fines.)  I  can't 
prove this, but I also noticed a nice improvement in overall attitude  among 
students.  Pride in their surroundings.  Sounds  Pollyannaish, or Leave it to 
Beaver-ish, butI I saw the theory in  practice.
Oh yeah,  one more thing.  Supervisors insisted that teachers  stand outside 
their classrooms between periods.  High visibility worked  too.
A liberal for zero tolerance....


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