" Lot's of potential
retail and entertainment spaces not really being used, and virtually
no money being pumped back into the city. Not only that, but our
waterfront really isn't providing many jobs for the locals the way the
Pt. beach does.
       That's true, but i think you're ahead of the game!  Not too much has 
started yet.  There are not many places to have jobs yet on the waterfront!  So 
of course no ones going to have them yet.  The waterfront has been under used 
and lacking in jobs for the last 30 years i'm sure.  The next few years will 
create lots of jobs i suspect, as more and more things open.  
       But, if it's true that MM wants to build condos first, then maybe the 
"entertainment" aspects wont come till later?  The Casino is still planned for 
2009 tho, so that will be functional.  I'm still interested to find out what 
other functions the building will house.  Aside from the downstairs market.

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