In a message dated 9/4/2007 11:56:42 A.M. Eastern Daylight Time,  

Oh Jesus,  here we go again...(sorry, I couldn't resist)
Don't resist.  
The kind preaching is specious talk. Deceptively attractive and  appealing, 
but doesn't support the troops to keep sending them to mutilation and  death in 
a war of choice by an incompetent politician, a "pre-emptive war" in  the 
wrong country which has incited more terrorism world-wide.

God Bless  The American Troops, and protect them  from the enemy and from 
domestic political opinions.    KB
Protect them from political opinions?  How un-American is that?
Millions died in just and legitimate wars to protect the access to all  
You want to support the troops?  Then listen to them 18 months  ago.  
_Click here: Zogby  International_ 
An overwhelming majority of 72% of American troops serving in Iraq think  ...

While 89% of reserves and 82% of those in the National Guard said the U.S.  
should ...
Three  quarters of the troops had served multiple tours and had a longer 
exposure to  the conflict

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