In a message dated 9/10/2007 2:23:12 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time,
[EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:Jack, we've all been down the "rational
argument" route with Kevin before.  He is a typical "God is on my side"
zealot who believes...everyone who disagrees is against God.  We all
know how much trouble this attitude can get us in.  Hedoesn't care about
what's best for Asbury Park.  He only cares about what's best for his
personal agenda.  Logic need not apply.AsburyCouple is right on the
money and I agree with the above.So my new approach is to simply ignore
him and hope he goes away.  It worked for several others - as soon as we
all stopped falling into the trap of stoking them on they got bored and
left.  Maybe he can stick with Long Branch - perhaps he can actually
find 1-2 peole to follow him there rather than coming here and explain
to us all how we should be living our lives and managing our city.
And most of the above. Question is  -- who is falling into a trap?  This
board or JSRM? Sometimes the gobbledygook, the nonsensical jargon, needs
to be exposed for what it is -- a sham.  It's bogus when it comes from
Long Branch; and,more importantly, it's bogus in Asbury Park when JSRM
uses the same script to obscure the issue:  How does JSRM benefit Asbury
Park? Maybe it's good to encourage the preaching from Long Branch.Maybe
there are AP residents, who read here but don't post, who haven't quite
made up their minds about JSRM. They may get bored of the "talk" but
also recognize there's "no walk":no benefit to Asbury Park's "homeleess,
helpless, and hopeless";there's no "hand up"; just proselytizing and a
revolving door.  Sometimes " 'tis sport to have the enginer/ Hoist with
his own petar...." Not the engineer in Long Branch,the well paid MSM
director and his engineers in Asbury Park trying to screw us all with

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